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Fécafoot: Guibaï Gatama and others rehabilitated

Guibaï Gatama and company find their places at Fécafoot

« The arbitration panel concludes that the General Assembly of FECAFOOT of August 27, 2022 had not been duly convened and that, in accordance with Article 22 of the Statutes of FECAFOOT, said General Assembly did not have the power to adopt valid decisions. It follows that the resolutions adopted at the General Meeting of August 27, 2022 are null and void. “. Mass has been said. THE Tribunal arbitral du sport (TAS) has just ruled in favor of Guibaï Gatama and others, in the appeal they made before this world supreme court for sport.

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In this joint procedure, the journalist thus regains his place on the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT. The same sentence rehabilitates in their rights all the other members of Fécafoot excluded, struck off or frustrated in their rights by the General Assembly of the Cameroon Football Federation (Fécafoot) held on August 27, 2022. Besides Guibaï Gatamawe find Alim Connaught, Issa Bassoro, Inoussa Mohamadou, Mohamadou Djoulde (all members of the Northern Regional Football League, Francois Kouedem, elected president of the Western Regional Football League, the Ndé Sports Panther and the Cameroon Professional Football League (Lfpc). To all these victims, Fécafoot will have to pay the sum of 5000 Swiss francs as a contribution to their procedural costs.

On September 2, 2022, the victims appealed to the Fecafoot Appeals Commission to challenge the decisions against them. Then on September 26 of the same year, the latter seized the Conciliation and Arbitration Chamber of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Cameroon (Cnosit’s for ” note that the post of resident of Fécafoot had been vacant since the conviction of Samuel Eto’o on June 20, 2022 (by the Spanish courts for tax evasion, Editor’s note) and therefore that the latter no longer had the capacity to convene the General Assembly who adopted the contested decision “. The procedure resulted in a decision of non-conciliation. The “banished” of Tsinga took the direction of Lausanne from November 21, 2022. With as appointed referee the Pr Pascal Pichonas from the University of Fribourg. FECAFOOT for its part appointed the Pr Thomas Clay, lawyer and teacher at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris. The arbitration panel was chaired by Jacques Radouxlaw clerk at the European Court of Justice.

Nearly ten months of procedure have made it possible to get their heads above water. If the former FC Barcelona striker escapes eviction from Tsinga’s house for his 22-month prison sentence for tax evasion, it’s simply that, ” none of the parties was able to access the decision pronouncing this condemnation” , and also, ” it is a foreign court decision, of which it is not certain that it (the decision, editor’s note) is concerned by the letter if not by the spirit of article 36 of the Statutes of FECAFOOT “, which makes a president of the Federation ineligible, raises the sentence. In any case, no internal mechanism was triggered to note the said vacancy, underlines the CAS. On the other hand, the man will suffer to see all these severed heads in the management of Cameroonian football.

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