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Fears of trafficking – demands that Norway pick up refugees

According to the UN, more than two million people have fled Ukraine since the outbreak of the war. The number is expected to rise to several million.

The darkest sides of society often appear in situations of mass flight, says Secretary General Pål Nesse of NOAS (Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers).

Now Norway must take action, he believes.

– Abuse is not uncommon in such situations

Nesse says that single mothers with children in an extremely vulnerable situation can be exposed to pressure and retaliation.

CONCERNED: Pål Nesse in NOAS believes that the Norwegian authorities should organize transport for Ukrainian refugees. Photo: Jonas Been Henriksen / TV 2

– For example, that transporters abuse refugees. It is not unusual in such situations, he says to TV 2.

This is a situation where children and young people can also easily be exposed to abuse, Nesse believes.

– There may be an expectation of consideration. Although the vast majority have the best intentions, we must make sure that this does not happen.

Will prevent abuse and retaliation

The fact that Norwegians have traveled to pick up Ukrainian refugees is an expression of a genuine willingness to help, says Nesse.

But NOAS believes the authorities should rather organize transport for Ukrainian refugees, to prevent situations of pressure and abuse against refugees.

– It is important, both politically and humanitarianly, to send a signal to the countries that are being overwhelmed by huge refugee flows. Norwegian authorities can cooperate with the authorities in the recipient countries, to address the need for rapid evacuation, says Nesse.

A new market for human traffickers

When Poland and other neighboring countries get to the point where they need relief, Norway must be ready, Nesse believes.

– The authorities must plan evacuation from neighboring countries to Ukraine. And if not, they must at least contribute to the better organization of voluntary transport.

EXPOSED: In previous refugee crises, it has been seen that a market for shady activities is emerging, says Pål Nesse in NOAS.  Photo: Simen Askjer / TV 2

EXPOSED: In previous refugee crises, it has been seen that a market for shady activities is emerging, says Pål Nesse in NOAS. Photo: Simen Askjer / TV 2

Nesse emphasizes that there have been no Norwegian reports of cases of abuse. But there have been reports from Poland that they are worried that single men are offering refugee transport, according to Nesse.

– Human trafficking is often organized, but there are also individuals who show up and see a good opportunity. The human traffickers have now got a new market in the large influx of refugees – this is something that has also been seen several times in previous refugee crises, he says.

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre tells TV 2 that Ukrainian refugees who are exposed to pressure or abuse are something we should be worried about.

– Therefore, all those who transport refugees should know what they are doing. There are probably some out there who are human traffickers and criminals who exploit vulnerable people on the run. We must absolutely curb that, says Støre.

A solution will mean that Norway picks up refugees

Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) advises against individuals going down to pick up Ukrainian refugees.

Enger Mehl says it can be difficult for refugees to distinguish between those who have good and bad intentions.

SOLUTION: Norway is working with the other European countries to find solutions, which will mean that Norway will take in refugees, according to Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl.  Photo: Erik Edland / TV 2

SOLUTION: Norway is working with the other European countries to find solutions, which will mean that Norway will take in refugees, according to Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl. Photo: Erik Edland / TV 2

– It can be difficult for the refugees to distinguish between who has good and bad intentions. We must also be sure that those who come here are in fact Ukrainian refugees, she says.

The government is cooperating with Europe to assist in retrieving refugees in the countries that request it, according to Enger Mehl.

She appreciates NOAS ‘commitment.

– I think it is good that NOAS has a commitment to this. The government is now working to find solutions to this problem.

– Will the state organize the transport of refugees?

– We are working with the other European countries to find solutions for relocation, and that will mean that Norway picks up refugees, says Enger Mehl.

However, the Minister of Justice does not have specific information on when such a solution will be in place.

Come refugees with less resources

Bernt Apeland is Secretary General of the Norwegian Red Cross. He believes it is important that the Norwegian and European authorities put in place a clear position on how Europe should handle the massive influx of refugees.

ASSESSMENT: Transport must be considered, says Bernt Apeland of the Norwegian Red Cross.  Photo: Christoffer Andreassen / TV 2

ASSESSMENT: Transport must be considered, says Bernt Apeland of the Norwegian Red Cross. Photo: Christoffer Andreassen / TV 2

– I think the question of transport clearly needs to be clarified. This is something you should consider to ensure that those who come to Norway are the ones who need it the most, says Apeland.

The government should step in with regard to security for the refugees, Apeland believes.

– It is a government responsibility. The most important thing is to register those who come, to secure their rights, he says.

Apeland says that most of the refugees so far are resourceful people. But you will get to a point where many of the refugees who come are not able to take care of themselves in the same way, and then it is important with assistance, he says.

– The picture changes quickly. A clear position must also be put in place on how to deal with the most vulnerable refugees who arrive.

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