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Fear of the second wave: Corona: New York tightens restaurant rules – health & life

In addition, restaurants in New York City that attract attention three times for violating distance or mask requirements would be rigorously closed, the New York government said. “Outrageous violations” can even lead to an immediate loss of alcohol permits or to closure beforehand. “In addition, the name and location of any facility alleged wrong by the state alcohol agency will be published and updated weekly.”

The New York government’s fear of a second wave of the corona pandemic is behind the new regulations. New York had strict exit restrictions in March and was considered the epicenter of the crisis for weeks, with up to 900 deaths per day. In the meantime, the number of new infections is at a stable and low level despite some easing, but the development in many other parts of the USA – including the populous states of Florida, Texas and California – is worrying with new records in the number of infections every day.

New York is trying to protect itself with strict entry restrictions for a number of states from visitors reintroducing the virus and causing outbreaks. Travelers from 22 states have to go into quarantine after arriving in New York, otherwise they face a $ 2,000 fine. On Friday, Cuomo plans to announce his decision as to whether New York City can enter the fourth and final phase of the reopening plan. But even if this happens, many museums as well as Broadway shows or the interior areas of restaurants and bars remain closed for the time being.

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