Home » today » News » Fear of coronavirus already reduces hotel reservations by 35% for Easter in Granada | Radio Granada | SER Cofrade Granada

Fear of coronavirus already reduces hotel reservations by 35% for Easter in Granada | Radio Granada | SER Cofrade Granada

The coronavirus health crisis predicts significant losses in the tourism sector, also in Granada, at a key time of the year: Easter.

The coronavirus, for the moment, miraculously continues to pass through the province. In Granada today there is no known positive for this disease, but the tourism sector is already calculating the losses that are coming for Easter, and the first balance is more than worrisome.

For now, 35% less bookings have been registered than in Easter last year, but the situation could be much worse, as assured, already with the first data in hand, the president of the association of travel agencies from this province, Juan Peláez.

At the moment, the reservations that are not arriving are mainly from international tourism. If the coronavirus continues to advance, a massive cancellation is also expected from the national tourist. Peláez has asked the administrations for a specific tourism promotion campaign to attract more national tourism and reactivate the sector.

Calm call

All the administrations of Granada have made this Monday an appeal for tranquility and have ensured that the cancellation of reservations or the lack of them is affecting more other territories.

The mayor of Granada, Luis Salvador, stressed that the congresses that have not been held here have been postponed to autumn and has valued the normal operation of international flights.

The deputy of Tourism, Enrique Medina, has assured that any cancellation of reservation is bad for the sector although it highlights a lower incidence in Granada than in other parts of the country. Medina invites everyone to know this attraction of our province.

The delegate of Tourism of the Board, Gustavo Rodríguez, trusts in the great attraction of the Holy Week in Granada as a magnet for tourists.

These reflections have been produced in the presentation, at the Granada City Council, of the VII international contest “La Saeta de Oro”. The musical contest of this Lent will be held from March 9 at the Pilar del Toro restaurant in Granada.


In Granada no positive for this disease is known, to this day. At the moment, although we look askance at everything that is happening in Spain and the world, the routine, our daily work has hardly undergone variations of great consideration, every time we continue to attend sporting events, concerts -more than 30 this Weekend only in the capital-, and on Sunday – pushed by a sunny day – we went out en masse to the demonstration street or to have a snack, with some normality.

Of course, the health authorities of Granada are offering specific guidelines, which are set at the state level: hygiene and cleaning measures have been increased in health centers, hydrogel installation points have been expanded and cleaning has been carried out in handles and handrails in hospitals and senior centers.

In addition, preventive measures are being adopted that have to do with not traveling: many city councils in the province are suspending events and trips already scheduled, mainly due to the will of the elderly, since they are deleting themselves. However, otherwise, for the vast majority, the coronavirus for now is nothing more than a concern and a topic of conversation.

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