money to the groundwhen they try to check ifIt is true, they take advantage ofchange your debit cardsand steal their funds.ace bajo custodia policial larelated person of interestto the stabbing casebrooklyn, that past saturday thatleft an injured woman.gary merson stands frontto the barracks, thefacts and the most curious thing is thatis the way in whichThe alleged assailant was caught.gary: there it is, that lion personvoluntarily to a this moment isguarded by agents of thissame barracks that investigate thecase.we managed to see about 10 patrols,including a mobile command into the area.the fear persisted this Mondayamong residents of 185 inbrooklyn who have passed 48hours accompanied by agentspolice, after deathviolence from one of his neighbors.>> he was nice to everyoneworld. a loving person andcalm.gary: at the entrance we findA photo of Raón Cinton, from83 years old, who was nicknamed theskinny. It was foundbloody and lifeless19th floor in the afternoon of thissaturday.agents allowed entryof residents.a unit of the scenecrime collected evidence.I had to determine theCauses of death.the wanted person was capturedposted the police on twitter.According to testimonies, they managedidentify him as joan and 26years, resident of the fourth floorfrom the same building. hascriminal record,confirmed the police.public was a person after ythen assault.this saturday was marked bya woman who was the victim of apunch.a woman was stabbedon one leg and then it wasfound the old man inside aelevator, which is alsobinds them.finally got would be the 93rd murder of the year10 cases below the figurefrom last year to this date.>> gary: after several effortsto contact relatives,we haven’t made it…the charges against himsolos of aggression expected to seeWhat happens with the murder? theold man’s family invitescommunity to say goodbye