Before the refugee summit on Wednesday, the government plans to drastically tighten its migration policy.
The most surprising move comes from the FDP: the governing party wants asylum seekers to receive benefits in kind instead of money.
With this, the smallest traffic light partner is once again standing in the way just days before the federal and state refugee summit and is causing new trouble within the coalition with the SPD and the Greens.
► FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr (46) on BILD: “Cash benefits can be a pull factor for people to immigrate to the social security systems. That’s why we have to talk about other options.” The prime ministers should focus more on targeted benefits in kind for refugees, Dürr continued. This is already the practice in the Netherlands.
The FDP specifically demands this
► It is conceivable to provide refugees with benefits in kind such as food, clothing or hygiene items or to issue corresponding vouchers.
► This procedure can be applied to all asylum seekers who arrive and whose asylum procedure is ongoing until the decision is made.
SPD wedges against liberals
Opposition to the FDP initiative comes immediately from the coalition partner SPD. The accusation: Benefits in kind are far too bureaucratic compared to cash payments.
► SPD parliamentary group leader Dirk Wiese (39) criticized in BILD: “We have to simplify things. Benefits in kind mean additional administrative work and make it much more complicated for the municipalities.”
Rather, the focus should be on simplifying the processes and improving cooperation between the federal, state and local governments, especially when it comes to returns, Wiese continued.
What do asylum seekers currently get from the state?
► According to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, asylum seekers are currently entitled to benefits in cash and in kind for accommodation, food, clothing, hygiene needs, medical care and services for their personal needs. Single adults receive a total of 410 euros, whereby part of the benefits can already be provided in kind. For comparison: the standard rate of basic income for single people is 502 euros per month.
FDP does not want to give countries any additional money
Before the refugee summit of the federal and state governments next Wednesday, Dürr is also hitting hard tones against what he sees as excessive money demands from some prime ministers. The federal government has already supported it with many billions, the parliamentary group leader makes clear.
The federal and state governments discuss the admission of refugees in the chancellery. The federal states want more money from the federal government to cover the costs of refugee reception and accommodation. A central topic will also be the simplification of returns and deportations, among other things through the creation of new anchor centres.
2023-05-07 22:07:52
#FDP #calls #tightening #money #refugees