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FDJ renews its corporate foundation for five years with a budget of 25 million euros

FDJ renews its corporate foundation for five years with a budget of 25 million euros. Photo credit: FDJ.

This increase in the budget of the FDJ Foundation will make it possible to amplify the support provided to associations which work on a daily basis in favor of the most vulnerable citizens, thus being in line with the work of the Gueules Cassées, founders of the national lottery. .

« Solidarity is an essential component of the raison d’être of the FDJ group, as evidenced by the commitment of our Corporate Foundation since its creation in 1993. The renewal of the FDJ Foundation for five additional years and its new endowment of 25 million euros, up 25%, demonstrate the importance that FDJ attaches to the action of associations committed to the most vulnerable. The Foundation’s action is a concrete expression of our societal commitment and contributes to the Group’s extra-financial value. »

Charles Lantieri, Deputy CEO of FDJ and Chairman of the FDJ Corporate Foundation

A Foundation working for equal opportunities

The FDJ Foundation acts for equal opportunities and will continue to support projects of general interest intended for people in difficulty (economic, social and cultural insecurity, disability, etc.). It is particularly committed to supporting innovative projects for education and inclusion in society, in a dynamic of co-construction with the associations carrying out the projects. It favors the logic of deploying effective solutions at the scale of the territory, and relies on the social impact measurement that can be made.

Two hundred and fifty thousand beneficiaries since 2018

Over the period 2018-2022, the FDJ Corporate Foundation will have come to the aid of two hundred and fifty thousand beneficiaries, through three hundred associations.

The FDJ Foundation also aims to promote the solidarity commitment of employees. This commitment has resulted in a significant development of employee skills sponsorship for the benefit of the Foundation’s partner associations, in the form of mentoring of young people (school support), business expertise (digital, training, marketing) or participation in project selection and sponsorship juries.

Since 2018, a third of the two thousand five hundred employees of the FDJ group have mobilized to accomplish five hundred and eighty solidarity missions, i.e. seven thousand six hundred hours for the benefit of partner associations of the Foundation. In addition, eighty employees mentored more than two hundred and fifty young people and three hundred and thirty employees contributed to the solidarity rounding off on salary.

An assessed social impact

In 2021 and for the first time, the FDJ Foundation conducted a study to measure its social impact with the associations and beneficiaries of the projects it supports. This impact study, conducted by EY, reveals that for 1 euro of support for associations, earmarked by the FDJ Foundation, the social value created amounts to 3.4 euros.

97% of associations also say they are very satisfied with the benefits provided by the support of the FDJ Foundation, in terms of scaling up programs or experimenting with innovative projects, but also with their increased skills and visibility. 84% of beneficiaries of associations supported by the FDJ Foundation feel more motivated at the end of the support; 78% more confident; and 80% more likely to become an actor in their career.

This positive evaluation of the social contribution, like the satisfaction indices, are a real reward for all the Group’s employees involved in the projects of the FDJ Foundation.

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