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FDA reveals 8 draft announcements to restrict measures to control COVID-19 Highlight the red area

NESDB spokesman reveals NSC preparing to propose 8 draft announcements to lift measures to control COVID-19 Focus on the red area, control the maximum 28 provinces waiting for “Big Tu” to consider signing.

January 3, 2021 Thaweesil Wissanu Yothin, MD, spokesperson for the Coronavirus Disease Management Center 2019 (COVID-19) or BEC. Announced after reporting the number of infected people The measures From a joint discussion of the small batch of BEC and the Ministry of Public Health There is a review to ensure confidence in the measures that will be released. Then Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. As the Director of the Civil Service Commission, consider and sign the draft announcement, No. 6, all 8 items as follows:

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1. Prohibition of using buildings at risk of transmission Prohibiting the use of school buildings Educational institutions of all types located in the situation designated as the highest control area (red) 28 provinces are provinces where many patients are found and neighboring provinces.

2. Do not organize activities that are at risk of disease control, such as meeting, seminar, banquet, distribution of food or other things. Unless it is an operation by a competent official Or get permission from the staff For example, having a wedding ceremony requires permission from the provincial authorities. And must have public health measures to support it To the Governor of Bangkok by the Bangkok Communicable Disease Committee Or the provincial governor upon recommendation of the Provincial Communicable Disease Committee Establish rules for consideration of permission of the competent official to be suitable for the situation in each area of ​​responsibility. In which the province can announce a stronger measure than before But cannot be younger

3. Closing of locations at risk of transmission of disease. For the Governor of Bangkok Or the governor By virtue of the law on communicable diseases Consider ordering a service closure A pub-like establishment, a karaoke bar located in the red zone.

4.In the red zone, place, business or activity as follows Operate under the conditions, time, organization and regulations specified

(1) In the distribution of food and beverages, organize access to the service. The number of people sitting in the store The establishment of the site is in accordance with the guidelines and preventive measures prescribed by the government. It may be the nature of bringing back for consumption elsewhere. Have the Department of Internal Medicine and the Emergency Operation Center for Medicine and Public Health (OCSC) jointly consider, assess, formulate and supervise the implementation of the rules and measures of each provincial area to be appropriate. Authorize the Provincial Communicable Disease Committee to consider in order to alleviate the plight of people operating a restaurant business. If it is a risky area, you must buy and take it back only.

(2) sale of liquor for restaurants A place where liquor is sold Do not consume liquor and alcoholic beverages in the store.

5. Shopping Mall Still open for business as usual As for the closing or opening order, it is the power of the provincial governor to order the opening or closing in various places. In addition to which can be specified

6. Screening for cross-provincial travel To have the competent official examine and screen by using the transport routes across the provincial area Especially the journey of the person from the red zone To implement measures prescribed by the Office of the Civil Service Commission, taking into account the suitability of each area. And must not cause undue trouble to the public Allowing people to refrain or delay their journey across the area Unless there is a necessity In conclusion, we ask for cooperation. Did not let the trip stop Because some have important matters In which the officer may have set up checkpoints more frequently It may be inconvenient, but for screening. But if not necessary, don’t travel

7. Work at home (Work from Home) switch time-lapse at work.

8. The Ad Hoc Committee shall consider loosening regulations on the implementation of preventive and deterrent measures to propose to the Prime Minister to allow relaxation or tightening measures applicable to the location. Additional activities or activities as appropriate under the circumstances it deems appropriate.

Dr. Taweesil said that this will happen or what changes will depend on the Prime Minister’s office as Director of the National Security Council, with the Secretary-General of the National Security Council (NSC) who will offer The announcement will be issued at any time at the Prime’s discretion.

However, the F.C. spokesman also stated that During this period, everyone may have a hard time. But want to cooperate to do I’m ready to apologize to some provinces that have no infection, but must be red as well. Because there is an area adjacent to the province that has many infections Acknowledge that the public is uncomfortable, but please understand this part. We may have to pay something to save life. With example that Thailand, like a person’s body, may require strong drugs to keep the disease from spreading. And people can ask to go to their own province because there is more resolution

“We have won before. We would like all of you to cooperate in this critical time. The next 1 month is a point that will change. Today is the day that we raise the flag to fight this disease for a full year (3 Jan 2020) with inspections of Chinese and foreigners entering. But we have to open up a new front. The battle is bigger and harder than before from the numbers seen. Leave your strength and strength to remain with everyone. You must stand for a longer period. The card must be raised. Therefore, the power that will arise from the Thai brothers and sisters will be able to fight “.

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