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FC25 and NBA, the most anticipated video games of this season

This Friday, August 29, World Video Game Day or Gamer Day is celebrated. A celebration that emerged in 2008 by the main magazines specialized in this field. Although a few years ago gamers were considered geeky people, over the years the potential client has changed and the range has expanded.

This sector is attracting more and more people and creating titles for all tastes, becoming one of the largest industries worldwide whose revenues continue to grow exponentially. According to a report by the Statista.com portal, 2023 closed the year with revenues exceeding 2,151 million euros in Spain.

This year, revenue is expected to increase to 2.29 billion euros. In the following years, revenue is expected to increase progressively to 2.688 billion euros in 2027.

The video game industry is always evolving. Although during the month of August they usually take a break and stop production for vacation, with the arrival of September new releases also arrive. To find out what the market has in store for us in the coming months, El Faro has spoken with Francisco Torres, an employee of the specialized store Digital Life.

According to him, after a period of summer recession in which sales have not been very buoyant, the long-awaited new products will arrive in September and are already in high demand. Some of the most anticipated titles by gamers are FC25, the new name of the classic FIFA, or NBALikewise, the classics of each year also return, although renewed.

“We have practically the same games from every year, they just add a few updates and in the end that’s what attracts the customer’s attention and why they sell,” he explains.

In this regard, he points out that they already have reservations for these new video games or customers who have been interested in knowing when this season’s new releases will arrive so they can go buy them.

In this way, they already have an idea of ​​what the demand for a particular game will be like in order to bring in more or fewer units of each one, since these will be sold from September until Christmas.

After a break from technology in the summer, it’s time to get back to gaming. As Torres has pointed out, during this summer season, Melilla residents prefer to invest their money in going on holiday rather than buying a video game. The biggest sales, he says, tend to come from parents who promise their children a console or a game if they get good grades.

Summer is the perfect time for children to play. The reward for their efforts throughout the year, combined with more free time, means that they are the users who play the most during this time of year.

As for the best-selling console in recent months, the Nintendo Switch is positioned at number 1 because it can be played both at home and on the go. Being a console that can be converted into a portable device, it is very easy to transport to other places.

But if there is a game that comes to mind to this clerk like The best-selling game over the years is GTA, along with some Superman, Super Mario 64 and Zelda for the Nintendo 64.

So much so that not only were millions of units sold at the time of its launch, but demand has continued to this day among some users. Many nostalgic for the old days are still looking for some of them.

“They have been the best-selling consoles in history. Even though they are very old, they always cause nostalgia and people go looking for them second-hand,” says Torres, who clarifies that some customers still keep their old consoles and others even buy emulators where they can play.

“People end up looking for the old, retro stuff, and they find that it’s expensive, but in the end it’s what you want to pay for the game,” adds the Digital Life employee.

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