Home » today » Sport » FC Porto Elections: Pinto da Costa Accuses Villas-Boas and Promises New Academy in Maia

FC Porto Elections: Pinto da Costa Accuses Villas-Boas and Promises New Academy in Maia

With the elections in FC Porto quickly approaching, the electoral campaigns are going into full swing. At the end of this Friday afternoon, it was Pinto da Costa’s turn to make the short journey to Maia to hear from the members of the city that will house the academy designed by the Porto president. In the auditorium of the University of Maia, the candidate recalled the history of his candidacy in 1982, without forgetting the sharp blows to his main opponent, André Villas-Boas.

“I thought my destiny would be two years – the length of mandates at the time –, but it is now 42. When I thought I had finished my mission, I had to change my mind. When I saw the presentation of Villas-Boas’ candidacy, looking at that front row and seeing FC Porto’s enemies, I had the impression that it was a session for a takeover bid for the club. I know the interests they have – the television ones, for their own good and not the club’s –, I know they intend to do what they did with Sp, Braga, get some Arabs to buy the club”, he accused.

José Pereira da Costa, candidate on André Villas-Boas’ list for financial administration and former head of NOS, will only have been a corresponding member of the club until the end of 2023, without having been a full member for 12 months. When asked by a partner about this situation, Pinto da Costa confirmed it.

“This gentleman was an employee of Olivedesportos, who placed him at NOS to ensure that FC Porto continued to grant the rights. We didn’t do it because the proposal that NOS made was 320 million for ten years and MEO gave 450. There was no discussion! From that moment on, they went to war with us. This gentleman was supposed to be the manager of FC Porto. But he has only been a full member of the club since November 2023, he still hasn’t been a member for half a year. You won’t even be able to vote”, said the historic leader.

Given the location of this Friday’s event, the new FC Porto academy recently presented by Pinto da Costa as president was a highlight in the opening speech of the candidate’s meeting. The alternative presented by André Villas-Boas at Olival is unfeasible, he reinforces, mentioning FC Porto’s urgency in using this infrastructure.

“They said that training could wait 15 years. No, not one more day. Therefore, with all our honesty and commitment, the confidence that those responsible for the Câmara da Maia had, we are going to create our internship center here in this city”, he promised, repeating that the machines are on the ground “working”.

“Continue with Sérgio Conceição”

In the final stretch of the question and answer session, one of the associates raised doubts about Sérgio Conceição’s continuity. Despite having already expressed his desire for Conceição to continue, is Pinto da Costa thinking about renewal? The candidate was succinct and straight to the point: “If I am elected, I want to continue with Sérgio Conceição.”

Saying that João Rafael Koehler, candidate for vice president on Pinto da Costa’s list, has been the target of attacks since accepting the leader’s invitation, the candidate recalled Fernando Gomes, financial administrator who will leave the finance department.

“Fernando Gomes was criticized in a minor way, but from the moment it became known that he was going to leave, he stopped being so. Any day it will be sanctified”, he joked, going so far as to say that the administrator was often “the party’s drummer” for FC Porto’s enemies.

Pinto da Costa interrupts the electoral campaign this Saturday, the day the “dragons” host Famalicão. On Sunday, however, it will be a busy day: the candidate will visit houses in Argoncilhe, Seia and Viseu.

The FC Porto elections are scheduled for April 27th. Pinto da Costa is trying to reach his 16th term as president of the club, but faces fierce competition from André Villas-Boas. Businessman Nuno Lobo is running again, after having already been a candidate in 2020.

2024-04-12 20:13:51
#Pinto #Costa #Fernando #Gomes #bass #drum #party

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