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FC Nantes becomes one of the few professional clubs to embark on blind football

FC Nantes now has its blind football section. Last December, the Yellow and Green club decided, through its foundation, to embark on the adventure alongside the Don Bosco Cécifoot, a section already well established in Nantes in the field of football for the blind and visually impaired. Created in 2005, the club is also the only one to represent the great West at the highest level. Poitiers being the closest team.

But why this alliance with FC Nantes? “It’s not a change, it’s an evolution”, specifies from the start, Jean-Luc Lescouezec, founder and president of this section. Because it still belongs to the historic Don Bosco association. “As part of the partnership we have signed with FC Nantes, we are changing our name to become FC Nantes Cécifoot. »

Fans turned players

The FCN helps them financially, provides them with equipment and, above all, gives them the benefit of its notoriety. It must be said that the Nantes blind football section had been hoping for this rapprochement for a few years. “We’ve been raising awareness at the club for four years, we got on well,” summarizes the president. A rapprochement still rare in the world of blind football. In France, only three professional clubs are represented at the highest level among the blind: Toulouse FC and RC Lens. Le Havre AC has a section in the visually impaired category.

FC Nantes cécifoot – P-A. Aubry/20 Minutes

Financially, “it helps us with the budget for the season,” says Jean-Luc Lescouezec. Without forgetting the pride for these players, to wear the coat of arms of the Canaries. “It’s emotional, for me who is a supporter of FC Nantes”, explains Florent Lucas, who has been practicing blind football in Nantes since 2012. Wearing this tunic is also a real pleasure for Jérôme Penisson, regularly selected for the French team. and who hopes to take part in the Paris Olympics in 2024. “I wasn’t even hoping for it! I played at Poiré-sur-Vie before losing my sight and today I have the status of a high-level athlete who plays for FC Nantes…”

In search of land

The section hopes that this partnership will bring it new partners, “and above all, other players”, by setting up a blind football academy with young people. She would also like to find new infrastructures. The players continue to meet twice a week on a field of the Pays-de-la-Loire Football League, in Saint-Sebastien-sur-Loire. A pitch that does not meet blind football standards. But the section does with it. Would a move to La Jonelière be possible? “We are engaged. Nothing is defined in this sense. We’ll see if there will be more if affinity. Or not, ”says the president. One thing is certain, if one day the club has to move to Vair-sur-Loire, blind football would have a hard time following, “it would be complicated” for the players, who could not travel there every week. .

With the future move of the Regional Football League to the Nantes vineyards, blind football hopes to quickly find a fallback solution. And is counting on its new notoriety and on the 2024 Olympics to get things done. “We hope, in the short or medium term, to have land,” says Jean-Luc Lescouezec. The section is awaiting feedback from Nantes Métropole on this point. Rezé would be in the pipes. “The development of blind football will go through a there. Our political authorities must realize this”.

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