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FC Barcelona. Lionel Messi would like to leave this summer, the club denies. Sport

Lionel Messi on the go ? Unthinkable for many. And yet, this would be the trend, according to journalist Marcelo Bechler. On Sunday, he announced that the six-fold Golden Ball would like to leave the FC Barcelona, club with which he has always played. And this from this summer, and no longer in 2021 at the end of his contract, as had already been mentioned in previous weeks.

If this information is not yet official, it was released by Marcelo Bechler, who was the one who announced that Neymar would sign at Paris Saint-Germain, in 2017. The journalist adds that Lionel Messi would have done share its decision with the Catalan leaders. But Barça denied to Sports world.

Who to buy it?

The Argentine player would be tired of the situation of FC Barcelona. An extraordinary meeting of the club’s executive committee is due to be held on Monday. Decisions must be made, following the humiliation suffered in the quarter-finals against Bayern Munich, Friday (8-2). In particular, Quique Setién’s fate must be sealed there.

In recent weeks already, rumors of the departure of Lionel Messi, calmed down by Josep Bartomeu, president of Barça, had been published in the media. A departure to Inter Milan, in 2021, had in particular been mentioned. The question now is to know which club would have the means to buy the Argentinian player, one year from the end of his contract. The soap opera could fuel the transfer window over the coming days.


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