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FAW Bestune Becomes Official Partner of China National Track and Field Team: New Era of Empowerment

Hualong.com-New Chongqing Client News (Zhang Shizhao) On August 10, the signing ceremony for the cooperation between FAW Bestune and China National Track and Field Team was grandly held in Beijing. FAW Bestune officially became the official partner of China National Track and Field Team. At the event site, FAW Bestune released the “National Athletics Team Bestune Support Plan”, which will present Bestune T90 to the athletes of the Chinese track and field team who won the championship in the Asian Games, and Bestune small for the track and field athletes who broke their personal best results in the Asian Games. Horses will also recruit hundreds of Pentium car owners to come to the arena in person to cheer for Chinese athletes. At the same time, Zhu Yaming, a men’s triple jump athlete of the Chinese National Track and Field Team, and a powerful star, and Wu Yanni, a women’s 100m hurdles athlete and “goddess of hurdling”, were officially announced as the product spokespersons of Bestune T90 and Bestune Pony respectively.

FAW Bestune and the Chinese National Athletics Team signed a cooperation agreement.Photo provided by FAW Pentium Hualong.com

This cooperation has been highly valued by both parties. Olympic Women’s Shot Put Champion Gong Lijiao, Asian Athletics Grand Prix Triple Jump Champion Fang Yaoqing, Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Chinese Athletics Association Wang Nan, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Chinese Athletics Association Cai Yong, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Athletics Association Tian Xiaojun, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of FAW Pentium Manager Yang Yu, deputy general manager of FAW Bestune Lu Yu, secretary of the party committee and general manager of FAW Bestune Sales Branch Ding Jian, etc. visited the scene in person, and jointly embarked on a new journey of constant progress and reaching the peak.

Enterprising more than once cross-border spiritual resonance

“In the arena of the automobile industry, FAW Bestune has always adhered to the brand spirit of ‘progressiveness’ and actively participated in market competition. This coincides with the sports spirit of being taller, faster, stronger, constantly surpassing the limit, and rushing to the peak. The two parties will work together to promote the continuous upward growth of Chinese brands, Chinese sports and Chinese spirit,” Lu Yu, deputy general manager of FAW Bestune, said on the spot.

Lu Yu, deputy general manager of FAW Bestune, delivered a speech.Photo provided by FAW Pentium Hualong.com

Looking back on the history of Chinese track and field, from Liu Changchun’s 100-meter track in the Los Angeles Olympics in 1932 to Liu Xiang’s victory in the 110-meter hurdles in the Athens Olympics, although Chinese track and field sports started late, generations of Chinese track and field athletes have made continuous progress The spirit has left more and more “Chinese names” in the world arena. With the rise of the younger generation of athletes such as Zhu Yaming and Gong Lijiao, Chinese speed, Chinese height, and Chinese strength have been refreshed time and time again on the field. Progress has become the spiritual background of Chinese track and field.

Cai Yong, vice chairman and secretary general of the Chinese Athletic Association, delivered a speech.Photo provided by FAW Pentium Hualong.com

“Being more aggressive” is also the brand spirit that FAW Bestune has been inheriting for 17 years. From Besturn B70 taking the lead in breaking the mid-to-high-end sedan market structure, to the heavy launch of Bestune M9 and Bestune T90 in the first half of this year, to the continuous landing of innovative achievements such as armored batteries, three-in-one electric drive, and FMA/FME platform, FAW Bestune has always been in constant development. The changing auto industry is going up simultaneously. In the second half of this year, the miniature pure electric model Pentium Pony will be officially launched, injecting the vitality of “cute pets” full of fun into the new energy market. The new national family sedan Pentium B70 will also usher in a new upgrade, continuing the classic legend.

FAW Bestune became the official partner of the Chinese National Track and Field Team.Photo provided by FAW Pentium Hualong.com

From the track and field to the automobile market, “Enterprising” is the natural fit between China’s track and field and FAW Bestune. Especially in the context of China’s track and field impacting the world’s first camp and the upward upgrading of China’s auto industry, this is also an indispensable internal spiritual motivation for China’s power to bloom on the world stage.

Going to the peak, two-way empowerment and starting a new journey

This year is a great year for track and field sports. A series of important international events will start one after another. Chinese athletes will charge for more championship glory. This year is also a year of change for the expansion of FAW Pentium’s product matrix and the accelerated transformation of the new energy track. The mutual empowerment of FAW Bestune and the Chinese National Track and Field Team will bring new impetus to accelerate both parties to the peak.

In the next international arena, the Chinese national track and field team will launch an impact to a higher goal. In order to ensure the successful realization of the goal of the Chinese national track and field team, FAW Bestune not only brings glory to track and field athletes with dual cars, but also provides athletes with better daily training and competition guarantees with its high-quality cars.

Zhu Yaming, an athlete of the Chinese national track and field team.Photo provided by FAW Pentium Hualong.com

The joining of the two star athletes of the Chinese National Track and Field Team will also allow Bestune products to show a colorful side of happiness, beauty, and youthful trends. As the creator of the best results of Chinese athletes in the men’s triple jump event, Zhu Yaming and Pentium T90 can be regarded as a pair of powerful partners. At the event that day, Zhu Yaming expressed his love for the Bestune T90 through a video: “As a husband and father, the needs of my family are my primary considerations in choosing a car. Through the Bestune T90, I feel the love for my family.”

Wu Yanni, an athlete of the Chinese national track and field team.Photo provided by FAW Pentium Hualong.com

Wu Yanni, a super popular 100-meter hurdles runner, has a super-good looks and a lovely personality, which perfectly fits the product image of Galloping Pony’s “fashionable and cute pet”. As a trendy car for young people, Pentium Pony encourages young people to be themselves bravely. As Wu Yanni said, “Every young man is a hero in his own story.”

car review

Keep making progress and rush to the top. This is not only the never-extinguishing sportsmanship of Chinese track and field sports, but also the internal driving force for FAW Bestune to break through the situation, revive and accelerate its transformation. Through the mutual empowerment of superior resources, this cooperation will help both parties achieve better results in their respective fields, and continue to write a new moment for Chinese power to join hands with Pentium!

2023-08-10 12:55:09

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