Singer and impersonator Michael Jäger, known for his versatility, will be presenting the popular music show “The Man of 1,000 Voices” on Saturday, August 3, in the “Tivoli” hall (10th, Laaer Wald 30 c) in the Bohemian Prater in Vienna-Favoriten. The event begins at 7 p.m. The audience will hear a gripping program with highlights from previous productions and newly rehearsed melodic delicacies. On the evening, Michael Jäger will remind listeners of past hits by stars such as Tom Jones, Elvis Presley and Joe Cocker with skillful imitations.
Free admission, entrance: 6 p.m., information and reservation: Tel. 0676/531 23 04
The experienced vocal entertainer sings songs by a wide range of artists, from the duo “Simon & Garfunkel” to the rock band “Queen”. A homage to the greats of Austropop rounds off the varied sound. Jäger’s vocal similarity to the original performers will delight those present. Entrance to the hall: 6 p.m. Admission is free. Information and reservations: Telephone 0676/531 23 04 (“Tivoli Office”). The entertaining concert is coordinated by the “Cultural Association of Bohemian Prater”. Contact by email: [email protected].
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