A Glimpse into Vienna’s Future: Documentary "Favoriten" Captures Innocence and Struggles
"Favoriten," a poignant documentary offering a window into the lives of seven-year-olds navigating a complex world, left viewers captivated at the Berlinale Film Festival and is set to enchant audiences in London this December. Director Ruth Beckermann and cinematographer Johannes Hammel immerse us in a vibrant, multicultural primary school in Vienna’s Favoriten district.
The film gracefully navigates three years in the life of the class, led by the dedicated Ilkay Idiskut, a teacher who embodies both warmth and discipline. Her students, many of whom are from Turkish and Syrian families battling language barriers and the lingering shadows of conflict, exhibit that boundless joy and untainted authenticity only found in childhood.
One particularly impactful scene captures the children’s unbridled enthusiasm during their five-minute dance breaks. Their uninhibited movements,
captured by the camera at their eye level, speak volumes about their unburdened spirits.
Idiskut’s dedication to fostering a secular and inclusive environment is evident throughout the film. When a boy from a religiously conservative background insists that a wife’s bikini choice should be decided by her husband, Idiskut tackles the issue with an open mind and unwavering patience.
"Her patience is a wonder," we understand as we witness her navigate this sensitive topic.
While "Favoriten" celebrates the resilience and innocence of its young subjects, it also sheds light on the challenges they face. Many are grappling with the trauma of war and the difficulties of acquiring a new language. The film underscores the weight of Austria’s tiered secondary education system, which streams students into academic and vocational tracks at the end of primary school – a system seemingly ill-equipped to support children catching up.
Despite these challenges, "Favoriten" offers a glimpse of hope. There’s a palpable sense of community within the classroom, and the film leaves viewers with a profound admiration for these resilient children and the devoted teacher guiding them.
“Favoriten” opens at the ICA in London on December 6th.