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Fatigue can be a symptom that should not be underestimated for these 3 reasons

Sometimes you feel tired and exhausted and blame the heat or the change of seasons. We tend too often to underestimate this discomfort, labeling it reluctantly, boredom or even indolence.

In reality, fatigue can have more serious causes to be investigated with diagnostic tools prescribed by the doctor.

Fatigue can be a symptom that should not be underestimated for these 3 reasons

The thyroid

Thyroid problems can cause chronic fatigue and fatigue. Usually doctors as a first “exploratory” investigation prescribe a more complete blood test.

In the prescription we will read the items “TSH” (thyroid stimulating hormone), “FT4” (main hormone produced by the thyroid) and “FT3” (other thyroid hormone).

Eventually we may also be prescribed an ultrasound of the thyroid, external and non-invasive treatment.


Fatigue and lack of strength could also be linked to un’anemia. The most common type of anemia is that caused by iron deficiency.

Anemia is discovered through a simple blood test, the complete blood count. Among the values ​​to look at are those of ferritin (iron stores), transferrin in acronym “TIBC”, is the protein that transports iron. Of course, the first values ​​to look at are the amount of red blood cells, hematocrit (“HCT”), and hemoglobin (“HB”) levels.


In some cases, fatigue is due to altered levels of cortisol, the so-called “stress hormone”.

Many times the question is dismissed by saying “it will be stress!”. This is true but behind there is a scientific explanation and the solution is not “just a little relaxation!”

It should be noted that not all endocrinologists agree with the existence of adrenal fatigue or inefficiency. Adrenal insufficiency is universally recognized, but not the intermediate phase.

Adrenal fatigue could be explained in this way

First, the body is under stress not only from pressing worries or commitments. Stress is also caused by viruses, bacteria, diseases, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In this case, our body reacts to stress by producing the two “stress firemen” hormones, namely cortisol and DHEA, at the level of the adrenal gland.

When stimulated by the stressful situation, they are produced in quantity only to be exhausted. Cortisol peaks in the morning because it allows us to wake up and get up. If DHEA or cortisol have staggered rhythms or levels, we may experience chronic fatigue in our body.

The diagnostic examination consists of multiple salivary samples during the day. In this case we speak of adrenal fatigue.

Fatigue can be a symptom that should not be underestimated for these 3 reasons and some simple non-invasive tests could help us.

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