entertainment">Britney and Kevin were married from 2004 to 2007 and had two sons, Sean 15 and Jayden 14, during that time. In 2008, after Britney had a public mental breakdown, Jamie’s father was appointed trustee. Since then, Kevin has had custody of the boys and Britney is allowed to see her children from time to time. “Kevin believes that it is best for his children that their mother is happy and healthy. And if she’s without curatorship, that’s great.”
entertainment">Kaplan emphasizes that Kevin has never been involved in the curatorship. “He has always stayed out of it and just hopes everything will be okay.”
entertainment">The 39-year-old singer spoke for the first time about the curatorship during a hearing on Wednesday. She said, among other things, that she wants to get rid of the administration, has not been allowed to make decisions herself for years and that she feels ‘a slave’ to her father.
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