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Father attacked wife in Vienna: son called police

A 51-year-old Family man is on Friday evening in Vienna-Brigittenau as a result domestic violence temporarily arrested.

As the State Police Directorate announced on Saturday, the adult son around 9 p.m. the police notifiedafter a physical altercation between the parents had occurred again. The father is said to have threatened and slightly injured his wife, who was three years younger than him.

The arrest was made on suspicion of severe duressA restraining order against entry and approach as well as a temporary weapons ban were issued. The 51-year-old was still being detained by the police on Saturday afternoon.

Help for those affected

  • Information from the Ministry of Justice on legal support: www.hilfe-bei-gewalt.gv.at
  • Violence Protection Center Vienna: www.gewaltschutzzentrum.at/wien.
  • In Austria, women who experience violence can find help and information from the Women’s Helpline on: 0800-222-555, www.frauenhelpline.at; from the Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters (AÖF) on www.aoef.at; from the Women’s Shelter Emergency Hotline on 057722 and the Austrian Violence Protection Centres: 0800/700-217; Police Emergency Hotline: 133)

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