A father and his son unearthed an exceptional porcini mushroom spot in Vendays-Montalivet (Gironde), Tuesday November 7, 2023. They thus got their hands on 25 kg of mushrooms, two of which weighed 4 kg.
Every year, porcini mushroom lovers try to find new places to harvest these rare and highly prized mushrooms. A family thus got their hands on two porcini mushrooms weighing almost 4 kg when weighed, Tuesday November 7, 2023 in Vendays-Montalivet (Gironde), reports South West . The photo posted online by our colleagues demonstrates the exceptional size of the two mushrooms.
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Two porcini mushrooms weighing almost 4 kilos found in Gironde https://t.co/fgNESJTQqzpic.twitter.com/iF2pfKXqwE
— Sud Ouest Bordeaux (@SO_Bordeaux) November 8, 2023
But for the young man and his father at the origin of this find, there is no question of revealing the location of the collection. “We were at work, waiting for the customer to come back and we said to ourselves that we were going to take a little walk in the woods”, tell the Figaro the father of the family. The artisans did well to follow their intuition since they brought back no less than 25 kg of porcini mushrooms!
Rebelote with the two nephews!
“We didn’t believe it. We’re used to picking them, but it’s been a long time since I’ve found such beautiful, firm porcini mushrooms.”, continues the forty-year-old. In fact, the larger the porcini mushrooms, the less edible they are. However, the mushrooms picked on November 7 ended up on the Girondins’ plate.
And the family even has enough to make preserves or freeze a few bags of boletus, since the nephews hit the mark again on Wednesday, November 8. The two children thus picked two new porcini mushrooms weighing 3 kg in total.
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