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Fateful Night: Man Claims to Be Drugged at Pub Concert in Hundested

Earlier this year, Jan Milton (54) went to a pub in the small Danish town of Hundested to see his son perform with his band.

Milton drank three beers and soon his life was turned upside down.

Danes TV2 Kosmopol mentioned the matter first.

– Signs of danger

Fateful choice

– It started as an absolutely wonderful evening, says Milton, who works as an educator at a residential center for children with functional challenges.

He bought himself a beer and looked forward to listening to the bands of various young talents, including his son.

During the four hours the concerts lasted, Milton drank three beers.


– I didn’t feel drunk. The last beer I had, I was served with a few others. I didn’t know which one was mine, so I just took one and drank it, he says to Dagbladet.

It was to be fateful.

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Strange aftertaste

Milton says the beer had an aftertaste that he can’t quite explain.

– It was perhaps more like an “aftertaste”, just a little different. I remember thinking that maybe it wasn’t my beer, and maybe a different type than the one I usually drink, he says to Dagbladet.

When the concert was over, Milton went home with a friend.

– I live around ten minutes from the concert venue, and the trip home went perfectly well. We talked, and I didn’t notice anything until I got home. Then I suddenly got really tired, he says.

The last thing Milton remembers from this evening is walking towards the steep stairs that lead up to the loft, where he sleeps.

ENORMOUS PAIN: Jan Milton in the hospital bed. Photo: Private Show more

– Insane pains

– The next thing I remember is waking up in bed in the loft, and having severe pain in my neck, right arm and shoulder. It is impossible to move, and I realize that something is seriously wrong. Fortunately, I have my mobile next to me, says Milton, who was quick to call for help.

He says that his first thought was that he had fallen down the steep stairs, and then got back up to the loft.

– When I climbed the stairs again, I must have been in excruciating pain, but I don’t remember anything.

Milton was rushed to a hospital, where, according to him, a breathalyzer test showed a very low blood alcohol level.

– I had only drunk three beers, he says.

No doubt

At the hospital, the doctors found that Milton had a fracture in the sixth cervical vertebra, as well as a fracture in the shoulder.

It was only after two painful days in hospital that he began to wonder if he had been drugged in the city.

By then it was too late to take blood tests to check this. Many narcotic substances leave the blood within a short time, and usually within 24 hours.

KETAMINE: Jan Milton suspects that he ingested this substance, ketamine. Illustration photo: Shutterstock Show more

Jan Milton has further education in youth and drugs, and he has no doubt that he was drugged – and that the drug was ketamine.

– The whole process, the symptoms and everything, makes me think that it is the drug ketamine – also called horse anesthesia, he says.

The murder of Sara (10): – Sign up!

– The doctors say that it is almost impossible that it is something else. I took all kinds of tests at the hospital – cardiography and the gods know what, which showed nothing, he claims.

He believes that the doping was an accident.

– I simply drank the wrong beer, he says.

This is ketamine:

A drug used for anesthesia, pain relief and the treatment of depression. As an intoxicant, ketamine is available in powder form, which is typically ingested by snorting. At low doses, the drug may have similarities to alcohol, while higher doses produce a stronger dissociative effect and more hallucinogenic effects.

Source: Rusoplysningen.no

Will not review

TV 2 Kosmopol writes that the Danish poison line Giftlinjen has received more and more inquiries in recent years –

Last year, a total of 535 people called them because they suspected they had been drugged.

Seven years earlier, in 2015, the number was “only” 95, according to the website.

Senior doctor Dorte Palmqvist in Giftlinjen tells the website that no matter what the motive for the suspected doping is, they encourage everyone to report the case.

– It is a criminal act in itself. It can be potentially life-threatening. That is why we always recommend that the cases are reported to the police, she says.

When asked by Dagbladet if he is going to report the case, Jan Milton answers this:

– It is useless to report this. There were several hundred people at the concert. I have no proof of anything.

SELFIE: Jan Milton takes a picture outside the hospital after finally removing the cervical collar. Photo: Private Show more

Not in Norway

It is the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) that operates the Poison Information in Norway.

In front of Dagbladet, FHI states that the Poison Information Service does not keep the same statistics as the Danish Poison Line.

FHI states that Poison Information has not noticed any changes in occurrence or focus in the messages they receive.

Appeared suddenly: – What the hell?!

Clear speech

Jan Milton says that he has learned a lot from the concert night – and he makes a clear call to others:

– Take care of your drink and don’t leave it.

The experience has made him afraid to drink beer in town.

– I’ve almost become paranoid now, he says, and concludes:

– It cannot be said too often: Watch your drink. If you are in doubt as to whether it is your own, then buy a new one.

2023-08-31 08:15:46
#Warns #beer #blunder #Noticed

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