What are you reading now?
– I am re-reading George Eliot’s “Middlemarch”, it has been ten years since the last time and I have forgotten a lot. Still, it’s a bit like coming home, because even though I don’t remember the plot, I recognize the atmosphere and the world. It’s just as enjoyable as the last one, if not even more enjoyable. I’m also working on Ali Smith’s “Winter”, which I really like. After reading “How to be both”, I measure all her books against it, and I don’t think “Winter” is quite on that level – but still very entertaining. I always read several books at the same time. So I’m also a good way into Terje Tvedt’s “World History”, which gives many new perspectives and the desire to look elsewhere, rather than just Europe, where the focus (naturally enough) has been concentrated.
Started to cry
Which book has left an indelible impression on you?
– I used to say “Middlemarch”, but it’s embarrassing how little I remember, so the impression can’t have been so indelible. Since I read “Travellers in Moonlight” by Antal Szerb, I always highlight it. It appears as a complete book; both plot-driven and philosophical, witty and deeply serious. It hit home with me, a lot because of the language and humor, but also because it is so wonderfully individualistic and in many ways self-centred. Here it is not about the harsh conditions of life, but about the struggle of the bourgeoisie with itself – where the lesson is that most who take up the struggle are doomed to lose and will “live like rats in the ruins”. It is both a pity and not a pity about the main character Mihaly, and the reflections on this both hit and amuse me.
Which author should write the book about you?
– Ali Smith – she portrays childhood in a distinctive and very genuine way, and brings out specific memories or events in a simple and not overly nostalgic way, and that’s how you actually remember life (at least I do).
What self-help book did you read last?
– I don’t think I’ve read any self-help books. I often look towards YouTube, but then it is perhaps more about practical help. Last to clean the espresso machine. I have also set up a light wall via YT.
What book have you smuggled in?
– I often read in my own books – especially “Kjempefesten”. It is very funny.
Which novel character can’t you stand?
– Caussabon in “Middlemarch” is way down the list right now. Both the uncle and cousin of Jonas Wergeland, whose surname is Røed, are quite bad people. And of course Voldemort.
…. and which novel character would you sleep with?
– No comment.

– Was a bit slow for me