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Fatal Infection From Common Cold: High School Teacher’s Limbs Amputated

[Common cold/fatal/pneumonia/symptoms]Common colds can also cause fatal infections! A high school teacher in the United States developed symptoms of a common cold last year, but did not take it seriously because the symptoms were mild. Unexpectedly, a few days later, she developed symptoms such as high fever, difficulty breathing and shock and was rushed to the hospital. It was confirmed that the pneumonia infection induced fatal sepsis, resulting in black necrosis of her limbs and the need for all limbs to be amputated.

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According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Sherri Moody, a 51-year-old high school teacher in Texas, USA, developed mild cold symptoms after taking students to teach outside the school in April last year. At first, she thought it was just a common cold and ignored her. However, a few days later, she developed a high fever and had difficulty breathing. , and finally went to the emergency room to seek medical treatment accompanied by his family.

Common cold causes fatal infection

After diagnosis, the doctor confirmed that Sherri’s lungs were infected by Streptococcus pneumoniae, which caused her body to suffer from fatal septic shock, sepsis, and rapid drop in blood pressure. In addition, Sherri’s long-term use of arthritis drugs weakened her body’s resistance. , making the situation more serious.

Since Sherri had always been in good health and had never been to the emergency room, the sudden severe symptoms caught the family by surprise. Her husband, David Moody, recalled the situation at the time and described his wife’s condition as “a Category 5 hurricane hitting”:

“I had to look up what sepsis was and I had no idea, we were both perfectly healthy people. I quickly realized the dire situation we were in. I was scared out of my mind.”

Amputation is necessary to save life

Sherri fell into a coma after suffering from sepsis. The doctor finally decided to sacrifice the blood circulation of her limbs and prescribed drugs to return the blood to her vital organs to save her life. David accompanied his wife through all this and said helplessly: “I really watched me with my own eyes. My wife’s hands and feet are necrotic.” According to the photos provided by Sherri, all her limbs turned black and drooped weakly during her stay in the hospital. After her condition stabilized, the doctor informed her that she needed to amputate her arms and legs below the knees. In June 2023, Sherri completed the amputation surgery and was officially discharged from the hospital in August.

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Couple working together to adapt to new life

Faced with great changes in her life, Sherri admitted that she once broke down and cried, but she would soon get back on her feet: “I choose to be happy instead of letting suffering define myself. This does not mean that I will not be sad at all, but as long as I cry, I will It won’t last too long.” David quit his job and started taking care of his wife full-time. The couple is currently trying to adapt to their new life.

5 major symptoms of lung infection

Hong Kong respiratory specialist Dr. Kwok Xu-lung pointed out in an interview that many bacteria can cause pneumonia. Some bacteria are particularly likely to cause severe reactions in the immune system, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, but some of them are particularly virulent and prone to complications. , the condition is much more serious. Because the patient is not treated early, bacteria invade the lungs, greatly reducing resistance, and forming serious infections in the lungs, leading to severe bacterial pneumonia. In addition, insufficient blood pressure can also affect fatal conditions such as acute renal failure and multiple organ failure, which is very serious. Danger.

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Bacteria enter the blood and cause bacterial and infectious septicemia. Blood clots form and block blood vessels in different parts of the body. If the blood vessels in the hands and feet are insufficient, they will turn black and ulcerate and need to be removed, otherwise it will be life-threatening. ,

It is recommended that patients seek medical advice if they have cold symptoms for more than a week to avoid infection in the body that is not treated early.

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Colds are fatal | The female teacher felt lazy and risked her death due to lung infection. 1 bad bacteria caused sepsis, and her limbs turned black and necrotic and required amputation – Qingbao – Health – Other Diseases – D240305

Colds are fatal | The female teacher felt lazy and risked her death from lung infection 1. Bad bacteria caused sepsis, and her limbs turned black and necrotic and required amputation – Qingbao – Health – Other diseases

[Common cold/fatal/pneumonia/symptoms]Common colds can also cause fatal infections! A high school teacher in the United States developed symptoms of a common cold last year, but did not take it seriously because the symptoms were mild.Unexpectedly, a few days later she developed symptoms such as high fever, difficulty breathing and shock and was rushed to the hospital. It was confirmed that the pneumonia infection induced sepsis, which was fatal.

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other illnesses





health other diseases

health problems,surgery,pneumonia,cold,cold,doctor,texas,us

health care,health problem,health care,treatment,surgery,entity word,disease/pain/injury/symptom,pneumonia,entity word,disease/pain/injury/symptom,cold and cold,entity word,disease/pain/ Injury/symptoms,cold,entity word,job type,doctor,entity word,region and region,Texas,entity word,region and region,United States


Doctor Pneumonia Body Cold Wife Symptoms Limbs Lungs Bacteria Blood Sepsis Conditions Infectious Streptococcus Medications Blood Pressure Bacteria American High School Teacher Symptoms Illness Resistance Status Organs Couples Ask Asthma Itinerary Blood Vessels


A cold is fatal – a female teacher risked her death due to laziness – lung infection caused by 1 bad bacteria causing sepsis – limbs turned black and necrotic and required amputation

#Colds #fatal #female #teacher #felt #lazy #risked #death #due #lung #infection #Bad #bacteria #caused #sepsis #limbs #turned #black #necrotic #required #amputation #Qingbao #Health #diseases
2024-03-05 08:03:45

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