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Fatal fall at Hamm main station: Final questions finally clarified

  1. wa.de
  2. Hamm
  3. Hamm-Mitte


The last questions have been answered in the spectacular death of a 51-year-old man in Hamm main station. The main questions concerned substances that were found in his blood.

Hamm – Half a year after a fatal fall on the tracks of Hamm Central Station, investigators have finally closed the incident. This was revealed by an inquiry to the public prosecutor’s office in Dortmund.

The autopsy of the 51-year-old man, which had been postponed for a long time due to personnel reasons, confirmed earlier theories of the police and the public prosecutor’s office that, on the one hand, there was no external influence and, on the other hand, the unbraked fall from a height of several meters – the exact cause could not be determined – caused significant internal injuries and was therefore the cause of death. In addition, the man had demonstrably not come into contact with the high-voltage power line on February 14. These results are contained in the autopsy report, which public prosecutor Maribel Andersson now quoted when asked by the editors.

The 51-year-old fell to his death from one of these power poles in the main station in February. © Max Lametz

Fatal fall at Hamm main station: nutmeg in the blood

In March, suspicions that the 51-year-old had climbed the masts while “dazed” had been confirmed. At the time, there was talk of “non-specific signs of poisoning.” However, the “various narcotics” detected in his blood – including hallucinogenic nutmeg – had not had a decisive intoxicating effect on the act, stressed Andersson.

In the hours before his death, the man was arrested twice by the police for “suspicious behavior” and was finally examined at the EVK. The case, which occurred within sight of train passengers, attracted a great deal of attention. The result was significant restrictions on rail traffic in Hamm and the region.

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