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Fatal accident in Hamburg: Truck driver hits cyclist (†71)

Tragedy in Hamburg’s Neustadt district: A truck driver fatally injured a cyclist in a traffic accident on Friday. Witnesses are in shock.

The accident occurred at around 12.10 p.m., a police spokesman told MOPO. There was a collision between a truck and a cyclist on Baumwall Street.

According to initial findings, the 71-year-old woman was riding on the sidewalk near the Baumwall subway station in the direction of Helgoländer Allee and, for unknown reasons, suddenly drove onto the adjacent cycle lane. The truck driving parallel to her then collided with the cyclist, causing her to be fatally injured.

Accident in Hamburg-Neustadt: Cyclist fatally injured

Several eyewitnesses were in shock and were cared for by the German Red Cross’s crisis intervention team (KIT). Several ambulances were deployed.

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The police are asking witnesses to the accident to call the Hamburg police hotline on 4286-56789 or a police station. (tst)

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