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Fatal Accident at Eiffage Construction Site: Company Faces Involuntary Manslaughter Charges

On March 5, 2015, shortly before 9 a.m., police investigators were called to 20 avenue Jean Jaurès, in Charleville-Mézières, for the fall of a worker from the top of a roof. The worker from the Eiffage Construction company was working on a construction site at the Ecole Supérieure Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette.

While a cable had to be pulled across a roof, the victim had placed his foot on a PVC plate allowing light to pass to the floor below, which had given way under his weight. His head hit the ground 3 meters below and he died 8 days later from chest and head trauma.

Following the accident, the labor inspectorate noted several shortcomings, including the company’s failure to take into account safety measures for working at heights of more than 3 meters and the lack of training for employees for this type of work. The limited space on site had in fact “not allowed the installation of a basket”, and “the fragility of the wall did not allow the installation of an anchor point for the safety harnesses”. The employees therefore climbed onto the roof without any security other than their construction helmets, and without having received the slightest safety instructions before going up.

On Monday, November 13, the company Eiffage Construction, Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne, was therefore judged before the criminal chamber of the Ardennes judicial court, for involuntary manslaughter and involuntary injuries in the context of work. Also appearing was Quentin, 35, Works Manager on the ESNAM site.

Pending the court’s deliberations, which will be delivered this Monday afternoon, Magali Josse, Public Prosecutor, requested the maximum legal penalty against the two companies, i.e. a fine of 225,000 euros for Eiffage Champagne-Ardenne and 7,500 euros for Eiffage Lorraine. For the works manager, the Prosecutor requested a 12-month suspended prison sentence.

2023-12-17 19:23:53
#Eiffage #Construction #company #judged #homicide #involuntary #injury #death #worker #ESNAM #construction #site #CharlevilleMézières #deliberation #expected #Monday #December

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