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Fat bulka, blonde hollow and pseudo-singer: Samantha Tina and other public figures laugh and discuss comments online

Singer Samantha Tina laughs when she reads a comment in which she is called a fat bun, blonde hollow and pseudo-singer. Also, reading other non-flattering comments, admits that one likes a mother, another – a daughter, the third – a dress, making it clear that everyone will never like.

She does not deny that those disgusting comments are most remembered, but you need to listen to the people closest to you. There will always be a negative opinion from someone, but you don’t have to “go to that mistbox”.

Almost half (47%) of Latvians have received negative comments on the Internet about themselves, their recordings, occupations or hobbies, according to a study conducted within the framework of the social campaign of the mobile operator “Tele2” #sekosev. Young people aged 18-25 receive the most negative comments on the Internet – more than half or 54% receive them.

43% of Latvians admit that the negative comments received on the Internet have influenced their further actions and decisions. The most negative comments on the Internet affect the decisions and actions made by young people – 54% of young people aged 18-25 admit it.

“Already the de facto young man is quite unsure, his personality and psyche are still developing, so he is subject to much sharper criticism. If there are other stressors in the background – health problems, family problems, violence, then comments in the digital environment can upset him even more.

Being active on social networks, the risk of receiving negative comments, which is an additional stressor, is huge. The problem is that young people are not mentally ready for it. Ideally, they find a way to distance themselves from negative comments, but those who are under pressure can also give up their beliefs, hobbies, future education choices just because someone said they don’t need to, ”says Artūrs Miksons, psychotherapist. , Lecturer, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Riga Stradins University.

According to the study, 35% of the population has even completely stopped doing what they have received negative comments about. In comparison, young people often perceive this inadequate criticism even more sharply – almost half or 44% admit that they have stopped doing what they have received negative comments about.

“In every age – even today, there have been and continue to be various norms that the members of a particular society follow, because without them this society would not be able to function. In addition, people like to monitor these rules and punish others for violating them, and in today’s digital environment, it is much easier to do so. That is why, in the Internet environment as well, we can see such a sharp turn against those things that do not really fit into the prevailing views on the order of things. The issue of proportionality of punishment or in this case the justification and adequacy of criticism is relevant. As experience shows, “severe penalties” do not solve the situation, “says social anthropologist Klāvs Sedlenieks. “It should be noted that the institution of gossip has evolutionarily developed in small communities, where people know a lot about each other and therefore the assessment is more objective. Today’s digital environment allows us to criticize and talk to others without actually knowing anything about them. ”

One third or 33% of Latvians also regret that they have not done anything in their lives due to inadequate criticism or bad comments. Among young people, this proportion is already much higher – 42%.

“The survey data reveals a rather harsh reality – we can all be easily affected by negative comments, but especially young people. We, Tele2, believe that we should be very careful with this criticism, because in this way we can “kill” a young person’s dream without knowing the specific situation and circumstances, or the person himself. In social networks, we have become careless and inadequately sharp in our attitude towards others, which we would never allow in face-to-face conversations, so with this campaign we want to encourage and help young people to follow themselves and their dreams, ”says Raivo Rosts, Tele2 Commercial Director.

In order to find out the attitude of the Latvian population, especially young people, to the comments on the Internet, the mobile operator Tele2 conducted a survey in cooperation with BERG Research in July this year, and 509 respondents participated. The research was carried out as part of Tele2’s social campaign #sekosev, which will run until September and in which the company will encourage young people with positive stories to ignore negative comments on the Internet or use them as a motivation to continue their goals.

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