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Fasting high blood sugar? What are the causes and symptoms when it comes to diabetes

The glycemia high it is a condition that can expose you to several risks: what are the symptoms and causes of fasting high blood sugar? How to prevent it? When can we talk about diabetes?

The high blood sugar a fasting, The “hyperglycemia”Is a condition in which they are found high fasting blood glucose values greater than 100 mg / dl. For the diagnosis of diabetes a value of is sufficient glycemia a fasting > 126 mg / dl confirmed on at least two different days.
Below is the in-depth analysis on the topic published byHumanitas Research Hospital, highly specialized hospital, research center and university teaching location: promotes health, prevention and early diagnosis.

Fasting high blood sugar: what is hyperglycaemia?

L’hyperglycemia is the finding of high blood sugar levels. Symptomatology is subjective and can appear for values ​​above 180 mg / dl of blood sugar.

Fasting high blood sugar: what are the causes of hyperglycaemia?

The root cause of hyperglycaemia can be traced back to insufficient insulin production or inadequate action. Other causes can be: one failure or inadequate intake of therapy in diabetic subjects (insulin and / or hypoglycemic agents), a increased need for therapy for a concomitant acute disease, an excessive intake of carbohydrates in predisposed subjects or intake of diabetogenic drugs. Another cause of hyperglycaemia can be found in pathologies of the pancreas (pancreatitis, oncological pathologies) or rare endocrine system diseases.

Fasting high blood sugar: what are the symptoms of hyperglycaemia?

Often thehyperglycemia it does not give any symptoms or signs, therefore diabetes (chronic disease secondary to persistent hyperglycaemia) is considered a subtle disease. Sometimes symptoms appear when the disease has been present for years. Severe hyperglycaemia is characterized by:

  • Fatigue
  • Increased thirst (polydipsia)
  • Increased diuresis (polyuria)
  • Involuntary weight loss, sometimes in conjunction with an increase in appetite
  • malaise
  • Abdominal pain

In severe cases they can also occur mental confusion e loss of consciousness.

Fasting high blood sugar: how to prevent hyperglycaemia?

To prevent the onset of hyperglycaemia it is advisable to: maintain a healthy lifestyle by carrying out regular exercise, even moderate; keep weight-fit and implement weight loss strategies if you are overweight; follow a balanced and specially balanced diet, avoiding sugary drinks and particularly caloric foods. It is recommended in people at risk (relatives of diabetics, previous diabetes, obesity, clinical signs of insulin resistance) to carry out periodic checks of the blood glucose dosage (at least once a year if normal, i.e. less than 100 mg / dl).

Fasting high blood sugar: diagnosis

The diagnosis of hyperglycaemia comes with a blood collection. If this is the first finding of this alteration, it is necessary to contact your doctor to possibly carry out another control sample associated, if necessary, with a sample for glycated hemoglobin, a biochemical data that allows you to understand whether the hyperglycaemia data is isolated or chronic. The glycated hemoglobin data also allows you to direct towards a lifestyle adjustment treatment (if <6.5%) or alternatively a specialized evaluation to associate drug treatment.

The association between hyperglycaemia, obesity, high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia (with high Ldl) is commonly known as metabolic syndrome and represents an important set of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

Fasting high blood sugar: cure and treatments

The glycated hemoglobin data allows to direct towards a lifestyle adjustment treatment (if <6.5%) or alternatively a specialized evaluation to associate drug treatment.
It is however advisable to adopt a healthy lifestyle, dedicating yourself to constant physical activity and following a balanced diet.

Diabetes, not just high blood sugar: the signs and symptoms that reveal the disease and the criteria for diagnosis

Diabetes, the obvious symptoms that reveal the disease: this is when to run for cover and check the blood glucose values

Diabetes, causes and symptoms of high blood sugar: how to lower it? When does it become dangerous? What to do now, what to eat and the most common mistakes

Please note that the information on this page is of a general nature and for informational purposes and in no case replaces the opinion of the doctor., the first point of reference to use for information, clarifications, and to rely on for advice or exams.

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