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Fast-learning classes in Berlin: 670 fourth graders passed aptitude tests – School – Berlin

This year over 800 fourth graders took part in an intelligence test that is necessary for attending a gifted class. Almost 670 passed it, the Senate Department for Education announced on request. Almost 200 of these children even achieved nine or ten out of ten possible points and are therefore considered “cognitively gifted”.

But you have already passed the test with five of the ten points. In addition to the test, the final grades in elementary school are also decisive for acceptance.

However, the places in the so-called fast-learning classes are capped: regardless of the number of suitable applicants, only 15 classes with a total of 450 places are set up. They are spread across seven schools across Berlin, with only three classes being allowed to open at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Gymnasium, where demand has been highest for years.

Since 2018, the school has been trying to create four classes so that it does not have to reject so many suitable applicants. Headmaster Ralf Treptow now pointed out to the families that the education administration had again rejected the application for approval of four instead of three fast-learning classes, so that up to 70 registered and suitable children would have to be rejected.

In 2014, the dispute between the school and the education administration escalated when the school was only allowed to open two classes despite the many suitable applicants.

The fast learners used to skip a class

Originally there were 13 fast-learning schools in Berlin. At that time, the corresponding learning groups were still called “high-speed classes” or “express trains”: The students skipped a class and graduated from high school in just twelve years.

After the school time for all high school students had been shortened to twelve years, the concept was changed in 2010 by the then Education Senator Jürgen Zöllner (SPD): Since then, it has been about more deepening and expanding learning (“enrichment”). The number of schools with (highly) gifted support was then reduced to seven.

In addition to the fast-learning classes, Berlin offers other funding opportunities for particularly intelligent children.Photo: Kai-Uwe Heinrich

These are the specialized schools in seven districts

Incorrect corona test results in the proficiency test

This year the tests were scheduled was criticized by the Association of Berlin School Psychologists for the pandemic. To increase security, however, corona rapid tests were offered the day before. As reported, according to the school, “six or seven tests” were positive, which has led to some concern. A subsequent PCR test showed, however, that the children were not infected, as the deputy headmistress Dana Wolfram announced on request.

According to Tagesspiegel information, there are now indications that a test mark was used that is particularly sensitive to heat or cold. This may not have been properly taken into account during storage.

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