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Fassi garnered political support after his complaint against Chiqui Tapia

The president of Talleres de Córdoba, Andres Fassiexposed a truth about Argentine football that We all assumed, but no one had dared to confirm.: referee manipulation.

This issue made the clubs uncomfortable because Criticizing the AFA can have consequences for matches and referee appointments.

Since Claudio Tapia has the power of the institution, are more and more cases where the clubs expose themselves to being harmed, as well as the changes in the championship and relegations for their own benefit and that of their alliances.

The event that triggered everything was the case of Andres Merlos in the match between Workshops y Boca for the Argentine Cup, but it is a bag that they have been dragging around for a long time.With the way you handle the arbitrations you scare everyone“, Fassi said on the subject.

Then, challenging Tapia, he added: “Football is tired of strange things happening“The pressure on some clubs, the aid to certain others, the shameful and more than obvious refereeing, and the background of the AFA’s rejection of SADs are just a couple of examples of this.

There are servile referees who are sent to harm“, he also said.

Political support for Fassi

Those who supported the president of the T and agreed with him on the issue were Mauricio Macri y Daniel Scioliboth through their accounts X.

This was posted by Macri, former president of the nation and of the Boca Juniors club.

The other to be on his side was the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Sport of the Government, Daniel Scioli.

What happened in Mendoza?

At first, Merlos stated that he was threatened by Fassi’s security with a firearm in the locker room once the match had finished. A situation that the club president denied.

Fassi entered with two people, with a firearm, threatening. The only thing missing was for him to put his finger on the trigger and I don’t know if I would be telling you right now… He threatened, he said: ‘we are going to kill you, son of a bitch, you are always screwing us’. With a Mexican tone, it seemed like that. I told him to come to the locker room. The police were there, they put up the shields,” said the referee.

Today it came to light a video where Merlos attacks Fassiagreeing with him. “I asked him whywhy he continued to harm Talleres“Because it is not the first time that this referee has harmed Talleres, the situation with the goal is inexplicable,” said the president of Talleres, referring to Boca’s goal.

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“He started screaming and said to me: If you want to talk, I invite you to come. “I told him: ‘I’m happy to, of course I came to talk,'” the president said, adding that the other judges held him down to prevent him from attacking them.

“Thank God There are three police officers as witnesses (…) When I complain to him, Mr. Merlos He started yelling at me. He wanted to attack me.but there were three policemen ahead. They managed to get him into the locker room. Of course, under that situation I decide not to enter. You can see that they take him into the locker room, he comes out again, I am four or five meters from the door, he comes directly to look for me and He punched me in the right cheekbone. (…) And after he punches me, Gatti (vice president of the institution) comes to the door and says ‘but you’re crazy’ and Mr. Gatti receives a kick from Mr. Merlosa kick to the liver that knocks him back. That’s where that shameful event ends. I’ve never experienced it,” he concluded in his statement.

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