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“Fascism? The left does not give up” – Il Tempo

The phrase shouted shortly after the national anthem, “long live anti-fascist Italy”, was the most talked about extra-programme of the premiere of Giuseppe Verdi’s Don Carlo at the Scala in Milan. The journalist is called Marco Vizzardelli, he is 65 years old, he is a journalist expert in horse riding and opera, a regular at La Scala and has been identified by Digos. The topic sparked debate on Stasera Italia, the politics and current affairs program of Rete 4. “There is a right that has come to terms with history and fascism. We have a president of the Senate who went to Jerusalem , a Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, who on the occasion of 25 April wrote a clear, clear letter with an unequivocal condemnation of the historical responsibilities of fascism”: Annalisa Chirico responded with clarity of words.

The journalist commented on the attitude of the other side of politics. The latest release of the party led by Elly Schlein is surreal: “Long live anti-fascist Italy!”, we read in the graphics of the latest dem campaign. “We will continue to shout it, everywhere”: this is the continuation. “There is a left that has removed from its memory the crimes committed by communism in the twentieth century,” explained Chirico. “Anti-fascist Italy has created a bit of anxiety. He turned out to be a harmless character, but I thank the Digos. Identification is necessary when there is a suspicious person. They check if everything is in order and the show can continue,” he continued. “Crazy stuff,” replied Brando Benifei, and then added: “I think it’s absurd that someone should be monitored because he says the obvious.” Chirico, however, brought the PD MEP back to the reality of the facts: “If someone shouts that Italy is anti-fascist it could be a provocative message. Italy is anti-fascist. There is someone who still isn’t resigned to the results of the polls” , he concluded.

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