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“Farming Simulator”: how to get started in E-sport mode

It’s good, it’s decided, you get into the competitive mode of Farming Simulator. Sleeves rolled up, cap aimed at the head – or not – but in any case ready to do battle for the most frantic of the harvests.

It will be necessary to be at least three players and four substitutes maximum, you create an account on the official site of the Farming Simulator League and install the free dedicated client in addition to the game.

Take the time to build your strategy

The competition on Farming Simulator takes place in three phases. “Since season 3, Giants Software has introduced a lot more randomness and subtleties in each phase, so you have to take the time to study all the possible strategies”, explains Valo52, the leader of the Power Team. “And when you’ve chosen a strategy, stick to it until the end!” “

In the competitive mode, you will have to harvest, collect the grain and make bales of straw to collect the maximum number of points. You must therefore get to know the different machines that are offered by the game, because the first phase of this competitive mode, that of banishment, could play tricks on you if you only rely on your favorite machines. “It is therefore important to know the vehicles, their characteristics: weight, speed, more or less thin wheels to crush cereals, among other things. “

Read also: “Farming Simulator” is also E-sport with the Power Team


The logo of the Power Team, an amateur team in the competitive mode of “Farming Simulator”. © Power Team

Master the phases of equipment selection

Each team will choose the materials agricultural that he does not want to see during the game. Depending on the materials that your opponents will eject, your strategy and your choice of games will change, hence the fact of studying upstream the maximum of configurations.

Once the ban has passed, the selection of bonuses and equipment begins: each player must seize a vehicle on one of the eight starting blocks. Plots that reveal four harvesters and four presses. These machines “fall” randomly on plots arranged on a hilly map. What to add a little difficulty to locate and select the best equipment at the start of the game: “In this phase, it’s the first come, first served rule. To seize a vehicle, you must take care to remove it entirely from the block otherwise an opponent can steal it from you. “

If the stud is green, the vehicle is free, in yellow, someone is inside and in red, it is reserved. “One of the strategies is to rusher : one team manages to overtake the other and deprives them of the necessary tools to make bundles. The winners of season 2, the Trelleborg team, are specialists! “

A balancing act

Once the materials are taken, the play phase can begin. Fifteen-minute games to put the most bales of hay in a barn and “ be careful, it’s going much faster than you might think at the start! “, note Valo52. To form a bundle, you have to harvest a field and then squeeze the straw.

The grain itself, perhaps delivered in a silo, which varies a multiplier of points between 1 and 3. “This multiplier is 2 at the start for both teams. When one of the two places grain in their silo, this multiplier increases for them and decreases for the other team, like a pan scale system. “ So the higher a multiplier is for one team, the lower it is for the other.

Regarding the famous barn where to deliver the bales, it has two entrances: one at the bottom and the other at the top, more difficult to access. via a conveyor. A basic boot brings ten points, the conveyor can multiply this score, thanks to the multiplier, until reaching 30 points in all. “The games can be very tight, everything will depend on the strategies and specializations of the players: we often have a specialist in the harvest, another for the transport of bales and the third takes care of the grain. But nothing prevents being interchangeable or focusing on one task more than another. “

Waves of bonuses to collect

Especially since the barn is located on an island that must be reached via bridges. There is one fixed and three drawbridges. This is the only area of ​​the game shared by the two teams: if a bridge rises for one, it also rises for the other, “Which can give rise to rather funny falls!” “ We will have to avoid falls into the moats.

Indeed, you will not be able to go to the opponent’s field but only observe your enemies on the minimap. During the game three waves of bonuses will “fall” on your field and that of your opponent in mirror mode: twelve minutes before the end, eight minutes before the end, then four minutes before the end. “You have one minute to catch the bonus before it wears off”, specifies Valo52. Time wasted to go deliver bales of straw and grain to the silo, so it’s up to you to make the right choice: the bonuses can increase the quantity of grain delivered, the number of points that a bunch earns, give you an acceleration or slow down your opponents.

The super-bonus, the last one put into play, has effects “Multiplied” : the first camp to seize it deprives the others. There is a small snitch effect for struggling teams or a blue shell effect for fans of Mario Kart : the more difficulty you are, the more powerful the bonus. On the contrary, if your score is much higher than the camp opposite, the effects will not be amazing, “But you deprive the opponents of a spectacular comeback! “

The last tip for the road

Even if you’ve experimented with several different strategies, Valo52 advises sticking to a well-mastered grip. “And stick to it as much as possible because the game involves so much randomness and chance that you must not get lost”.

Here, panic and disorganization are synonymous with wasted time “And fifteen minutes go by in a flash. Trust yourself, work on your dexterity and your speed to make a difference. ” Finally, don’t be afraid to take the plunge, anything is possible: a very young team could very well overthrow the table in the next competitions.

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