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Farming Representatives Invited to Saxony Cabinet Meeting: Prime Minister Calls for Federal Government Action

Dresden (dpa/sn) – Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has invited farmers’ representatives to the cabinet meeting next Tuesday. The state government is talking to farmers – the federal government must do the same, he said in a statement on Thursday. “A policy of listening and mutual understanding is needed.” Kretschmer called on the federal government to reverse planned cuts in agriculture and to find a compromise with the associations. Kretschmer emphasized that Saxony will not agree to the cuts in the Federal Council.

However, there is also a lot of dissatisfaction among Saxony’s farmers with the state government. The reason is delays in the payment of EU direct payments. This involves around 241 million euros. The state farmers’ association had therefore recently issued an ultimatum: If no money was transferred to the farmers by the end of January, Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) would have to resign or otherwise be fired by Kretschmer. In this case, a suitable candidate from the ranks of the Greens should be proposed together with other agricultural associations.

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2024-01-18 18:28:38
#Kretschmer #invites #farmer #representatives #cabinet

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