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Farmers’ Protests in Northern Germany Lead to Traffic Chaos and Government Response

As of: January 11, 2024 5:56 p.m

Day four of the farmers’ protests against the government’s agricultural policy: Thousands of farmers were also out and about with tractors in northern Germany on Thursday. There were rallies in Hanover and Hamburg, and motorway entrances were blocked in MV.

With their protests, the farmers want to draw attention to their economic situation and their working conditions. Among other things, they want to ensure that the federal government reverses the planned cuts in agricultural subsidies.

In view of the current protests, the federal government is taking a step towards the farmers. On the sidelines of a meeting in Cottbus, Brandenburg, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) expressed understanding for the demonstrations and offered the farmers a dialogue. The leaders of the coalition factions invited the chairmen of the eight farmers’ associations next Monday for a discussion in Berlin. The meeting, which was announced as open-ended, will therefore focus on the economic prospects for farmers.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Many motorway entrances blocked again

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, farmers with tractors again blocked many access roads to several motorways between 6:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. – the LSV (“Land creates connection”) association had called for this. The blockades caused major traffic problems and, according to police, they also led some drivers to make risky maneuvers.

An incident occurred during the farmers’ protests in Ahlbeck on the island of Usedom: A student apparently ran between tractors into the oncoming lane, was hit by a car and seriously injured.

VIDEO: Subsidies for agricultural diesel – suggestions from Till Backhaus (3 min)

There were also blockades and rallies in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in front of several food logistics centers, for example in Stavenhagen and Dummerstorf near Rostock. According to the farmers’ association, several hundred farmers took part in the actions with tractors and other vehicles. According to the police, there were sometimes kilometer-long traffic jams on state and federal roads in Western Pomerania-Greifswald and northwest Mecklenburg, among other places, because tractor convoys were traveling slowly.

Because of the protests, logistics centers and supermarkets in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will also be allowed to receive deliveries at night until next Saturday, as the Ministry of Agriculture announced. Students who do not come to school in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania because of the protests are still considered excused.

Further information

Since early morning there have been traffic disruptions around logistics centers and motorway entrances in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. more

That was the second big day of action of the farmers’ protests in MV. It was marked by long blockades and rallies. Image gallery

Lower Saxony: Large tractor demo in Hanover

In the morning, farmers from all directions arrived in downtown Hanover after a rally to take part in a protest rally in front of the Lower Saxony state parliament. Around 1,200 farmers, as well as craftsmen, took part, according to the police. There were traffic delays. There were also protests by farmers in other regions of the country.

The FDP parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag, Christian Dürr, admitted the federal government’s mistakes at the demonstration in Hanover. “If we talk about a turning point, then this can and must also affect agricultural policy in Berlin and Brussels. Planning security for medium-sized entrepreneurs, that is my goal at this point. And yes, making decisions at short notice in Berlin is also a mistake,” said Durr.

Further information

There were protests across the country. The police have initiated criminal proceedings after a tractor drive on the A39. more

Hanover was the focus of the protests with a rally in front of the state parliament. There were also actions elsewhere. more

Hamburg: Farmers also block the port

The day of protest was held under the motto “If the farmer is ruined, the food is imported” and was directed, among other things, against planned free trade agreements. Against this background, farmers also drove tractors to the seaports in Emden, Wilhelmshaven and Bremerhaven on Thursday.

Further information

They drove through the city on their tractors from Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. There was no traffic chaos. more

Schleswig-Holstein: Large demonstration in Kiel on Friday

In Schleswig-Holstein there will be a rally to Kiel on Friday from the districts of Plön and Rendsburg-Eckernförde as well as from Lübeck. Well over 1,000 vehicles are expected, said a spokeswoman for the farmers’ association. Traffic problems are inevitable. The organizers are planning a large protest rally at midday on the parade ground in the Schleswig-Holstein state capital. Agriculture Minister Werner Schwarz (CDU) is also scheduled to speak there.

Further information

Farmers from all over the country want to block roads and take part in the rally to Kiel. more

Protests all week long

At the start of the farmers’ protest week last Monday, blockades and parades led to some significant traffic problems in northern Germany. There were also many actions in the north on Tuesday. For the third day in a row, farmers blocked roads nationwide with their tractors on Wednesday.

Further information

Among other things, there were actions in SH and Lower Saxony on Wednesday. The demonstrations and blockades should continue. more

After the start of the protest week, farmers demonstrated again in several places, such as Stade and Rügen. more

The demonstrations caused disruptions on streets and highways. An overview of the actions at the start of the strike. more

Right-wing slogans are repeatedly noticed at the demos, but there is a countermovement. Agriculture is “colorful and not brown”. more

SH Interior Minister Sütterlin-Waack, the police and the public prosecutor’s office gave insight into the investigation on Wednesday. more

They were waiting for the Minister of Economics on Thursday at the ferry dock in Schlüttsiel. The police used pepper spray and the public prosecutor’s office is investigating. more

The vehicle tax exemption should now remain in place, the tax relief for agricultural diesel should only be phased out gradually. The reactions from the north. more

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NDR Info | News | 01/11/2024 | 17:00 o’clock

2024-01-11 18:47:10
#Farmer #protests #continue #north #offer #talk #Berlin

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