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Farmers affected by floods that damaged their crops in Gilroy

find live from gilroyand tells us, has affected therain to the residents of thisciudad.tamara: 2 months agoexactly when it was registeredwe were in the bomb cycloneshowing this house, whereWe show the before and thelater, today it has returned toflood, it’s gone down enoughthe flood, but for whatsee more or less is enoughdeep. in a few minutesWe show the before and after.ma’am, thank you for allowing usbe herewe know that months ago it was seenquite affected by thissituation, today you knowfind this.What has happened in these 2 months?in these 2 months we areliving in a church, butwe had to return, in 15you were supposed to be inthat house, but definitelythis is uninhabitable, becauseIt happened the same as on January 9.tamara: you told me thatThey were here last night, I wasall good, there was no flood,when do you arrive this morningwhat was the first thing you thought?I thought that everything camedown, because a fewweeks we sow vegetables andeverything was floodedtamara: it’s gone down a lotagua.I want you to look at the housebackground, there is a line thatobserve a little at the top ofthe window, that’s where it camethe water this morning.was much higher whenflooded months ago, however,in the images that we are going toshow continuation podánver .we have been talking toMrs. Mayan, there as wellseveral farmers who rentpart of this land, very closewhere do you residethe lady maía, and what they sayis that they have lost theircrops, has spoiled thisbecause of the floodmany of these people hadbeen able to sow again, returnto plant after almost 2 monthsand there again it occurs to themthis. we listen to what they saythe farmers.I have lettuce, carrots andhe took them all to the water, noI have insurance foragriculture there is no insurance.right now it is affecting mementally, because when lookingthis lowers one’scheers upthat they take into account thatwe are workers andwe don’t hurt anyonetrying to get byoneself.tamara: there have been thousands ofolares those who have lost inharvest and machinerythat they had here, severaltractors that startedpeople they employother people, that for themoment they cannot offerno type of employment becausethey have money to pay them.Mrs. Maia says that laterof the first floodreceived many donations fromclothes, in fact they had themstored in that trailer that isve tation.They tell me that today againhas spoiled everything andask for help againthat some friendly hand canthing they need.visit our pagefacebook where you can see an inI live that we carry out moreearly with mr rúl.We show you how part of it looksof the highway and the other sidewhere we are, what

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