Home » today » Entertainment » Farin Urlaub lived with Jenny Elvers in her childhood bedroom

Farin Urlaub lived with Jenny Elvers in her childhood bedroom

Published on 22 August 2024 at 12:00 by Bianca Jung

The actress Jenny Elvers is currently living as a happy single. But it wasn’t always like this. In addition to Heiner Lauterbach, the former Heidekönigin was also in a relationship with Big Brother participant Alex Jolig and briefly with Dieter Bohlen. Nothing has been known about her first great love, even though she is also a celebrity.

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jenny elvers farin urlaub children’s room love relationship

Jenny Elvers (52) and her love affairs have often filled the pages of tabloid magazines. The actress seems to be of the opinion that it was not the alcohol in her life that determined her fate, but “the men”. But she has not yet spoken about the first man in her life.

Her first great love was Farin Urlaub

Her first boyfriend is no stranger: Farin Urlaub, whose real name is Jan Vetter. Back in 1982, when he had to think of a stage name shortly after the formation of the group “Die Ärzte”, his favorite hobby was going on vacation.

“We were together for four years, he was my very first boyfriend. I was 17 and met him at a classical concert,” the actress reported in the NDR talk show “Deep and clear.” Afterwards, the two wrote letters to each other.

“He was a millionaire with a lot of time, I was a student”

The couple were nine years apart in age, meaning they were in different phases of life. Farin was already very successful with the Ärzte at the time. “He was a millionaire with a lot of time on his hands, and I was a student,” she explained in an interview.

The fact that nothing has been made known about the relationship until now was intentional. Jenny Elvers did not want to become famous through a man, but wanted to make it on her own. At the age of 18, she was elected heather queen and then attended drama school.

After the band split up, Urlaub moved in with her

In 1988, the Ärzte split up temporarily. And their relationship grew even closer, because “at some point he moved into my bedroom.” But that wasn’t to last long. According to Jenny Elvers, the Ärzte frontman bought a house “one town away” a short time later and it was then up to her to move in with him. The two lived there together for a few years.

The actress still has positive memories of this time: “We travelled a lot together. In fact, I learned a lot from him. He is very well-read, a very clever man. I really loved him very much,” she told the NDRThe frontman of the cult band was not the only musician Jenny Elvers shared her life with. In the early 2000s, she met Thomas D and the two were a couple for a while.

Also interesting:

⋙ Jenny Elvers flirts in reality show – fans and fellow contestants are confused

⋙ Jenny Elvers about Marc Terenzi: That’s why their relationship was doomed to fail

⋙ Long gone: These celebrities were once a couple

Sources used:

Gala: Honest words about her divorce and her turbulent love life

NDR: Jenny Elvers about her first love: “He was a millionaire, I was a student”

Breaking: Jenny Elvers: That’s why Farin Urlaub lived in her childhood bedroom

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