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Farewell to Luciana Diniz Dover’s World Championship horse –

Small horse, big heart: this was Luciana Diniz’s stallion, Dover, a horse that helped the Brazilian to gain a foothold in the top European show jumping. Now he is dead.

At the age of 33, Dover passed away in Brazil, where he last spent his retirement and was visited by his former pilot when Luciana Diniz was visiting family at home. Diniz has now reported on his Instagram page that the stallion didn’t get up last weekend.

With Dover, Luciana Diniz took part in the World Equestrian Games in Aachen in 2006 (ranking 23) and was victorious several times at an altitude of 1.50 / 1.55 and 1.60 meters.

As he writes, “Dover was a genius. He was tiny, chubby, weird and had a bad head. The chestnut Brazilian stallion wasn’t the most assertive type. He was a simple soul, born by chance: nothing incredible yet absolutely spectacular. Before he found out, he was a star in the youth academy. Nobody believed they could achieve more. Only me.

Dover, I will always love you! Thank you for every moment and for making the impossible possible. Forever my superstar! “

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