The seat dance that took place during the premiere of Don Carlo at La Scala in Milan reveals the lies of the left and the desire to create an institutional case which, however, in the end, backfired against the same people who had attempted to make it on stage. Vittorio Feltri talks about it in the editorial published in Il Giornale on 10 December. In other words, the plan conceived by the mayor of Milan, Sala, with the complicity of the union representatives present at the performance, fails miserably.

“But it’s going badly for him, very badly. La Russa says he also wants to sit next to the lady with white hair. In fact, he can’t be the one to invite her on stage, but it’s up to Sala, if he wants. Liliana Segre between the proposal to transform himself into an anti-government ram’s head and to recognize the institutions and its representatives, he has no doubts. The ending was told very well yesterday by Alessandro Sallusti. An idiot in a tailcoat and top hat got his quarter of an hour of hosannas from the Corriere and from Repubblica, ranting and thus making himself recognized by the Digos. The left has its two-bit hero, and Sala, scratching his pear, despairs.”