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Far-right group demands expulsion of young migrants occupying school in Paris

This Wednesday, associations for the defense of exiles denounced a new “intimidation of the far right” after the gathering of a small group demanding the “expulsion” of young migrants who have occupied a disused school in the 16th arrondissement of Paris for a month. .

On a video posted Wednesday on Twitter by the association Utopia56, which accompanies with other associations these young people claiming to be minors, we see about twenty demonstrators from the far-right group “the Natives” singing “go home” in the direction of migrants, in front of this school.

“Despite the threat, the government lets it go”

On another video, we see them standing behind a banner “Illegals expulsion, Utopia dissolution! during this rally organized on Tuesday evening.

“Last night, the natives, a far-right militia founded by former members of Génération identitaire (organization dissolved in March 2021), were in front of the disused school where more than 400 young foreigners isolated in Paris survive. Despite the threat, the government allows it to happen,” Utopia56 lamented.

“This event is the latest in a long series of far-right intimidation attempts” targeting the action of Utopia56, particularly in this school, where the situation is “similar to recent episodes in Saint-Brévin”, denounces association.

The examples multiply

Last week, the resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brévin-les-Pins after months of tension around the project for a reception center for asylum seekers (Cada) in his commune of Loire-Atlantique, which had culminated in the arson of his house, created a political shock wave and a wave of national indignation.

“Are we going to have to wait for a tragedy” in this school “to make the government react to the violence of the far right? “, for his part questioned on Twitter the director general of France-Terre d’asile, Delphine Rouilleault.

“Examples are multiplying all over the territory and are treated as so many isolated cases. They are, however, the fruit of an organized strategy that should be denounced and above all combated,” she added.

Radio silence on the side of the Prefecture of Police

“The silence of the government, already very long concerning the mayor of Saint-Brévin, is unbearable”, abounded Manon Fillonneau, responsible for migration issues at Amnesty International.

On its Telegram account, the Parisian collective of the “Natives”, created in November 2021, assumed its action in a video accompanied by a “clear message”: “the place of illegal immigrants is in their country of origin and the associations which promote illegal immigration must be dissolved. »

An investigation was opened on Tuesday evening for the organization of an undeclared demonstration and provocation to racial hatred, the police headquarters told AFP after the request of associations calling for “sheltering” of the 400 youth.

2023-05-17 12:58:44
#Farright #demonstration #migrant #squat #Paris

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