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FAQ, ARTE magazine on Snapchat, available this Saturday on Twitch.

FAQ (like “Frequently Asked Questions”) brings together young people on Snapchat to address societal or cultural questions.

A successful formula that sparks a new version on Twitch, inspired by an identical desire: to push young Internet users to question prejudices and to promote citizenship in all its forms.

From this month of October, Internet users will be able to find the magazine in its original formula on Snapchat every Wednesday, and in a longer, conversational format on Twitch on the first Saturday of the month. Journalist Christelle Murhula, who also worked on the Snapchat version of FAQs, will present this magazine, accompanied by two guests: a streamer who has an affinity with the subject and an expert.

This Saturday, October 2 at 11 am: Are we all impostors?

What is impostor syndrome? Those affected believe that if they are successful, it is never because of their own qualities, but by luck, by misunderstanding or by chance. This feeling can be expressed in studies, at work, but also in leisure time, groups of friends, romantic relationships … It can mar the idea of ​​success, and cause the need to always do more. to prove that we really belong.

Are we doomed to drag this syndrome all our life? How to get rid of it? Is the concept still used wisely? Isn’t it something else, like anxiety or necessary doubt? Where does it come from? Are men more affected than women, certain social classes more than others? Is it peculiar to youth, to lack of experience? Do the most marginalized people feel it more? And, if we go further, is the “impostor syndrome” hiding something else? So many questions addressed in this first show.

Guest: Drakony, videographer and streamer. On her Twitter account, she often expresses herself about her impostor syndrome and her lack of self-confidence, concerning streams, writing, or even her professional life in general. On Twitch, she obviously streams video games, but also reacts to company broadcasts in particular. On YouTube, she talks about witchcraft, but also about her intimate life and her journey.

Other guest: Kevin Chassangre, clinical psychologist. Author of a thesis on pathological modesty and of the book Freeing yourself from the impostor syndrome – Stop belittling yourself to finally be yourself.

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