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Fantasy football tips, 9th day of Serie A: three ballots to manage

The 9th day of Serie A is approaching e in addition to the classic Fantasy Football tips you have to deal with those too tight ballots that confuse the fantasy coaches. Several delicate cases, difficult to manage on which we want to focus, naturally trying to advise you in the best possible way. For this round we have identified three in particular: Ibrahimovic-Giroud (Milan), Morata-Kean (Juventus), Belotti-Sanabria (Turin).

Fantasy football tips, 9th day: how to manage these three ballots

Fantasy football tips represent a fairly wide range and among the various points of discussion there are also the ballots to manage. Several delicate cases that see high-level players as protagonists on which you could be confused. To avoid leaving bonuses on the bench, we try to clarify (the appeal is addressed both to the owners of one of the two, and to those who have them both), also by referring to our probable formations.

  • Ibrahimovic-Giroud (Milan): the Swede is back and is ready to be a starter. Ibra should be able to offer at least 60/65 minutes to a good standard before being replaced by Giroud in a relay that has practically already been announced. If you have purchased them separately, the situation is very simple: deploy both, regardless of the time that will be offered. Against an affordable opponent and a ballerina defense, they could both do well. For this reason, if you have taken both and two of them, you absolutely must not preclude yourself from deploying them both, but it is a hypothesis to be taken into consideration in case you have no noteworthy alternatives. When you are forced to choose only one of the two, the choice should fall on the owner and on this day it will be up to Ibrahimovic to start as the owner.
  • Morata-Kean (Juventus): the Spaniard at the moment has a slight advantage to start once again in the starting position, Kean should at best give a hand to the race in progress. For this reason, if you have both taken, we advise you to deploy the Spaniard and leave the former Everton boy on the bench, both for a matter of experience in the great matches but above all for the advantage that the former Real Madrid has to start from first minute. Also for this reason we advise you to field him therefore regardless: if you have him in the squad without Kean, insert him in your holders without any kind of problem, even if he does not start the holder. With Kean, however, the situation is slightly different: if you have medium-low level starting alternatives with perhaps affordable matches (eg Simy, Henry, Pinamonti), you might think of relegating him to the bench anyway. Otherwise, rely on him, knowing that he could not even take the vote in the worst case scenario.
  • Sanabria-Belotti (Turin): in this case the eye falls above all on the Rooster who, however, once again, should start from the bench. Sanabria is in the lead to start as a starter and is going through an excellent moment of form, which is why he must be deployed against Genoa. If you have taken them individually, we advise you to deploy them regardless of ownership or not: they can hurt the defense of the Griffins at any time and consequently a place for them in their attack can be found. The grit comes if instead you have taken both: it is up to choose between the possible owner (Paraguayan) and who represents a guarantee regardless (the Gallo), Sanabria in a state of grace or Belotti rigorist. The choice is difficult, which is why you might even think of deploying them both in extreme cases and if you have no alternatives. In case you are forced to field only one, we advise you to always rely on Andrea Belotti: among other things, Genoa is one of his favorite victims, who knows if he doesn’t go back to scoring against the Ligurians.

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