13 minutes ago
Andrey Makarevich
The happy fatherhood of foreign agent Andrei Makarevich, according to fans, is under threat. They believe that the musician’s wife uses very strange methods of raising her son.
For more than a year, Makarevich (recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation) has been building his family happiness in Israel. He claimed that there was “no politics” in his repatriation, but the NVO in Ukraine, like all former compatriots, criticized harshly and mercilessly. In his free time from political discussions and concerts, the musician is raising his son Eitan, who is now a little over a year old.
The couple has already told fans that they hope to raise their son as a polyglot. For the first three or four years of the boy’s life, the star parents plan to communicate with him in Russian, and then Eitan must also learn Hebrew. In the meantime, the baby follows the parents everywhere. The other day, the couple was relaxing in the vineyards and tasting local products in the morning. Einat Klein, for the sake of a funny frame, handed the heir a glass of white wine.
Makarevich published the resulting picture on his Facebook page. Some subscribers did not appreciate such humor. According to the majority, the wife of the lead singer of “Time Machine” put her son in danger.
“He could break a glass, get hurt”, “Dubious humor from the 90s … Children and alcohol are not funny, but sad”, “They bully a child, not from a great mind”, “Yes, a comprehensively developed personality is growing,” fans write on the Web.
“Miracles in the Holy Land. “Sorry, baby, but I kind of poured milk for you ?!”, Someone joked. In response, Einat also answered with humor: “This is a real miracle!”.
Note that both Makarevich himself and his wife, having moved to Israel, clearly began to treat everything much easier. Recently, Einat Klein stunned the people by going out without even brushing her hair.