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FannyNews 14 – Berlin.de

Fall 2024 edition

Dear students, dear parents, dear teachers, dear people interested in music schools,

the days are getting shorter, autumn is also arriving in Berlin. There are some traditional events taking place these weeks, which we would like to point out in this newsletter.

After the successful performances of the “German Requiem” by Johannes Brahms last year, a special project will take place again in autumn: Under the name “Fragments” (Picture above: poster section) a specially assembled ensemble interprets works that have remained unfinished or that radiate such a character.

As we continue to plan, we are also taking the end of the year into account.

You can also read small and large news from the in this issue Music school life.

As always, you will also find our information on Discount options and on ours Social media activities and the YouTube-Kanal in our newsletter.

You can find further reports in the current issue of our music school newspaper FORUM

We wish you a nice autumn season
Newsletter editorial team

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Image: depositphotos/bloomua

Just For Fanny – Just For You!

Follow us: The Fanny Hensel music school is now also on the Instagram platform of the Berlin-Mitte district office!

Do you have photos, videos, texts, curiosities that you would like to share with us? You can send your thoughts, stories and materials to our social media platform at any time. We are happy!

Group of people having brainstorming session

Image: Rawpixel – depositphotos.com

Service – we for you

This newsletter is designed by a team from our music school. We research the content carefully, but errors cannot be completely ruled out. We therefore cannot accept any liability for the texts published here.

We are:

  • Katharina Kaschny (kk), music school director/editor, viSdP
  • Markus Wenz (male), editor-in-chief
  • Gabriele Dünnbier-Küpper (dü)
  • Antonia Grisaro (grey)
  • Steffen Höschele (sh)
  • Annelie Neubert (and)
  • as well as other authors: Uwe Gaffrontke (ug), Reiner Hess (rh), Susanne Kuhn (sk), Michele Leisibach (ml), Heinrich Link (hl), Frank Schneider (fs)

Our departments:
Music school policy – music school pedagogy – music school administration – music school life

Contributions marked by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial team. The editorial team reserves the right to shorten contributions.

We welcome ideas, suggestions and your feedback at [email protected].

If you would like to unsubscribe from the newsletter, please also use the email address [email protected] or the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the page.

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