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Famous Virgo Sean Connery – 2021

Famous Virgo Sean Connery

Name: Sean Connery

Birth name: Thomas Sean Connery

Born: 8-25-1930 at 6:05 PM

in: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 55N57, 3W13

Famous Virgo Sean Connery, Character

Famous Virgo Sean Connery, Natives are very methodical and practical people, paying meticulous attention to every detail in life. Like other signs like Virgo, when natives do a job, they do it very well and take pride in their accomplishments, doing their best to trust themselves before seeking help from others.

The “perfection” is important for Virgo, therefore, the natives are very cautious when entering any type of relationship. It is very possible that they will search long and hard for a partner (business or romantic) who satisfies their discriminatory tastes. After finding this partner, Virgo can go overboard with affections.

The Sun sextile Mars are energetic and vital people. Natives are charming to people of the opposite sex. They are constructive people whose natural leadership skills make them successful.

Natives of solar trine Saturn are achievement-oriented and fit to excel in scholastics and work. They are honest and well organized people, who tend to a conservative disposition.

Sun set Neptune natives are psychically sensitive, emotional, sentimental and little-known people who are driven by romantic ideals. They are dreamers who will become a Don Quixote or, wisely, a messiah.

Famous Virgo Sean Connery, Layout

Natives tend to respond to people and events around them in a shy and reserved way. In general, they like to “hide behind the scenes” when doing work, preferring to remain incognito, handle every detail, and make sure that every aspect of a project or relationship is “perfect.” Like others with the Moon in Virgo, these natives pay close attention to detail, both in the thoughts and actions of other people. Their response to others is often governed by the appearance of health and neatness they see in others, which the natives value in themselves, sometimes to the extreme.

The conjunctive moon Mercury instills an internal harmony in the native that gives them an adaptability to change and the ability to change roles. They are alert with a sharp wit and tend to be talkative.

The Mars natives of the Plaza de la Luna tend to be selfish and emotionally volatile people who (especially if they are men) get on badly with women. They are very stubborn and resent even constructive criticism. They can abuse alcohol.

Famous Virgo Sean Connery, Mindset

With Mercury in their ruling sign, Virgo, natives show a tendency to study everything they encounter in great detail. They may very well think something “to death” trying to understand all the complexities and issues involved, sometimes “losing the boat” when a decision has to be made. These people’s desire for accuracy and thorough research is of practical importance, as they generally want to use their intellectual abilities for financial success. Therefore, they can refine and revise a project or idea until, in their opinion, it is “perfected.”

Mercury-set Moon natives have a peaceful harmony between their consciousness and their subconscious, giving them an unusual view of themselves and others. They are resourceful and have literary promises.

Mercury square to Mars, confers great mental energy but not the wisdom to channel it properly. They tend to be sarcastic and domineering. If they can learn to exercise good judgment and be patient, they will go far.

Mercury square Saturn natives must combat the tendency to blindly follow conventional modes of thought and be narrow-minded. This can inhibit creativity and cause pessimism. Smoking is particularly dangerous for these people.

Famous Virgo Sean Connery, Conditions

The natives’ relationships with other people are of the utmost importance to them. They generally enjoy a number of close and personal friendships and gain a measure of status and security more through relationships than through material possessions. “Who do you know” is very important to the natives of this sign. With this sign, Venus in Libra, there is a sense of aesthetic pleasure in the things natives do. Striving for beauty and a sense of propriety in their personal environment is common to them, both in their physical and emotional lives, and the natives will generally try to extend this to those they love.

Natives of Venus square Jupiter tend to be flamboyant and self-indulgent. They must fight a penchant for superficiality and laziness. They may enjoy food, television, or alcohol.

Venus versus Uranus natives tend to be unstable and may experience sudden breaks in romance and possibly divorce. They can have erotic desires and thrive on personal freedom. They tend to be quirky.

Natives of Venus square Pluto are magnetic and often overwhelmed by their sexual passions, leading to intense (and sometimes secret) relationships. Sex can be linked to the desire for wealth. Natives can channel this passion into art.

Famous Virgo Sean Connery, Personality

The emerging Gemini personality is naturally outgoing and makes friends easily, regardless of their status. Natives have a natural talent for enlisting the help of others on projects, although they may tend to “give up” at the first sign of trouble. Also, they like to do things that meet the approval of others and must learn that being original and edgy is not so bad.

As a general rule, these people are “people of ideas,” constantly flitting from one thing to another. Unconsciously, there is a nervousness about them that is especially prevalent in financial and material matters. Also, personal relationships can suffer as “settling down” is not typical of them. Natives must learn to be patient with other people.

With Mars in the First House, the natives are full of energy and like to launch into a task, even if it seems impossible. In addition, they are generally brave and self-confident in their actions, sometimes without paying attention to danger.

Famous Virgo Sean Connery, General Information

The lack of planets in the fire signs marks patient natives that they may have a passive perspective on life, allowing others to take charge and lead the way.

However, a preponderance of planets in Earth elements lends considerable common sense and practicality, occasionally to the point of stifling originality.

A balance of planets in aerial elements indicates a rational mind with a need for intellectual stimulation.

Additionally, the lack of planets in the water elements gives the native an air of stoicism and an inability to express emotions that are buried beneath the surface.

With many planets in the cardinal modes, a person is capable of acting alone, and generally has a good understanding of the world and its realities.

Continuing, a person with few fixed modes rarely “stays put” or fixes attentions or affections on anything. This native can do many things at once.

Finally, with a concentration of mutable signs, the native may be willing to go out of his way to accommodate others. Without a doubt, commitment is paramount for this person.

Reserved and rational personality. Reacts slowly to external stimuli, reflections, thinks thoroughly about everything. He doesn’t speak often, but when he does, he carries weight. Succumb to the obvious. His life is deliberate. Ambitious, professional. Career comes first, work comes second, then everything else. He will sacrifice family, love, for his profession. Start at the bottom and work your way up to the top. When it fails, it starts over and over again. Unable to express emotion, warmth, that loved ones miss so much. He never admits his inability to express love. Raise your child to be a perfectionist. Fear of disappointment. He never drinks, does not like entertainment, accurate, reliable, inhibited.

Due to the position of the Sun, (however) more practical, more detail-oriented, rather critical.

a) Play an important role in your life:

b) Connections:

  • Parent positively related to legal or foreign affairs.
  • Child, love positively related to work or illness.
  • Child, love positively related to accidents, surgery, death, or separation / divorce.
  • Spouse or business partner positively related to finances.
  • Spouse or business partner positively related to accident, surgery, death, or separation / divorce.
  • Spouse or business partner negatively related to the profession.
  • Spouse or business partner positively related to wishes.
  • Brother-in-law or sister-in-law positively related to real estate.

c) There is no possibility of sexual perversion

d) There is no possibility of correction or mental institute

Propensity to illness or accidents

a) Bloating. Narcotic-related intestinal problems. Glandular deterioration.

b) Nervousness, neuralgia. Predisposition to pneumonia

c) There is no possibility of disability

d) There is no possibility of serious diseases related to the skeletal system, internal bleeding and skin problems

Data relating to the spouse / partner

a) Possibility of two marriages (cohabitation) (90%).

b) The probable partners Sun or Asc. sign (s):

  • primary: Cancer or Capricorn
  • secondary: Gemini or Virgo

c) Quality of relationships:

  • There are no significant differences in the age or lifestyle of the couple.
  • Better than average ratio.

d) The following events will cause friction in relationships:

  • love, child, work, illness, immediate family,
  • education, vocation / success, real estate, foreign countries, law

Financial situation

a) By age groups:

  • up to 5 years: good.
  • ages 6-14: good.
  • ages 12-30: good.
  • ages 16-40: good.
  • ages 30-50: very good.
  • ages 40-70: good.
  • 60 and up: good.

b) Pertaining to life as a whole: good.

Famous Virgo Video

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