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Famous people who get on badly with their parents

Conflict between parents and children is quite normal, and although they are usually resolved, sometimes it wears out so much that there is no going back.

The Voice of Durango

All families have their ups and downs. The relationship between parents and children with their present conflicts is something that could be appreciated as normal, and although most of the differences manage to be resolved over time, there are also situations in which there is no going back.

This is what has happened to some celebrities, who have experienced domestic tensions, filtering to the press the toxic or null relationships they have with their parents, some have even aired events that seem surprising due to the lack of affection and empathy with their parents. “precious” beings, however, have managed to cope with the situation and today they live to tell about it.

Here we reveal some cases.

Alejandra Guzmán’s daughter has been in a fight with the rocker for years, whom she has reproached for being irresponsible for not having taken proper care of her since she was a child. The allegations of the young woman towards her mother have been made public by launching lurid statements in which Frida attributes the guilt to her for having dabbled in drugs and sustained intimate encounters with the singer’s partners.

Recently, a new controversy was added involving Frida’s grandfather, the singer Enrique Guzmán, whom he described as degenerate and abusive. Truth or lie? The truth is that the statements are in the air, they increase their impact and apparently they do not have a close solution, since in recent days both have stated that they will sue each other.

It has been well known that the Mexican singer had a terrible relationship with his now-late father, Luis Rey, and they did not speak to each other until he passed away in 1992. In his autobiographical Netflix series, the singer has exposed how his father exploited him by treating him as a money making machine. In various scenes you can see how his father medicated him with ephedrine, made him sing in a cabaret since he was 12 years old and stole his earnings. So much so did his fame come that the well-known Luisito Rey is currently considered a despicable and manipulative being. As if that were not enough, he is hated within Latin American popular culture.

It is known that the actress also has not had a good relationship with her father Thomas. In fact, he did not even attend their wedding and does not know the British royal family personally. Thomas Markle himself has stated that his relationship with his daughter is null: “I have not spoken to my daughter since the eve of her wedding, since then I write to her daily, but she never answers my messages.”

The beautiful model who participated in the reality show “Rica Famosa Latina” has also not had a favorable relationship with her father, whom she has not seen or has close contact with for a long time. For that reason, the actor Andrés García himself told the press that he left his daughter out of his will and has even stated that he doubts her paternity.

The American blonde declared on multiple occasions that she does not have good memories of her childhood due to the mistreatment of her father Fausto Aguilera towards her mother. He also assured Europa Press that “people do not know all the damage and the repercussions that this could have on a person”, but now that he is an adult and has overcome it, he has no intention of approaching him. He added that the relationship with his father is non-existent.

The “Single Ladies” singer has had no contact with her father Matthew Knowles since he decided to divorce his mother in 2011 and decided to have a child with another woman. From then on, Beyoncé broke her relationship with him.

Charlie’s Angel is another who has had a terrible relationship with her father John Drew, whom she accused of introducing her to the world of drugs since she was a teenager. He called him “a violent and alcoholic man.” His parents divorced when he was 9 years old. He also reproached his mother for having little sense of responsibility, since she lived it from party to party, leaving her alone.

The actor known for his endearing role in the film “My Poor Little Angel” recently became a father. Despite this, he has repeatedly known of the conflicts he has had with his parents, who fought his custody for his millionaire fortune after they divorced as a teenager. According to some versions, the actor’s mother tried to use part of her fortune to buy an apartment, for this reason the young man filed a petition to eliminate his parents as his legal guardians. However, her mother won custody and Culkin was with her until she was 18 years old. Then he became independent and lost all contact with them.

In 1999, Eminem was sued by his own mother, Debbie, who accused him of defamation and asked him for $ 10 million. According to her, the rapper lied both in interviews and in his songs about his relationship with her and his childhood. But Eminem has never had a problem telling his side of the story: he never met his father, and his relationship with his mother was always troubled.

This Hollywood actress has a terrible relationship with her father Michael Lohan. According to a report from the ‘ABC’ medium, the artist’s father is an alcoholic and after she tried to recover from her addictions, which seemed inherited, Michael sold their recorded conversations to the press. “I am sorry that my father chose to speak publicly about our relationship. His public statements are unnecessary and hurtful, “said the actress and singer.

As reported by The Sun newspaper, the singer’s father, Mark Evans, abandoned her when she was just a child. The American media reported that now “Evans is devastated with the distance from his daughter.” Adele, for her part, said that thanks to that abandonment it had been difficult for her to find a person with whom she felt good in love. However, due to the fact that her father spoke about his relationship with his daughter in front of the media in 2011, the interpreter of “Someone like you” decided to remove him forever from her life. “He will never hear from me again,” Adele said.

She has a bad relationship with her father, Ronald Fenty, whom she accused of not being interested in her, other than for money. In 2019 he sued him for using his ‘Fenty’ brand and misleading people by saying he works in his business.

The Friends actress always accused her mother of not accepting her as she was. “She was a model and expected the same of me,” he explained in an interview with The Sunday Telegraph. Aniston hadn’t spoken to her mother for years, especially since her mother profited from her by publishing a book about her private life.

The singer had no contact with her father since 2007 until he passed away in 2013. The reason for this estrangement was due to the problems her father had with alcohol.

Kate Hudson’s parents, Goldie Hawn and Bill Hudson, divorced before she was two years old. The actress has no contact with her biological father. With whom she does have an excellent relationship is with her mother’s husband, Kurt Russel, whom she truly considers her father. His biological father, Bill Hudson, made these harsh statements in an interview: “If you call another man ‘father’, let them bear his last name and not mine. I don’t recognize Oliver and Kate as my children. That they stop using the Hudson last name, they are not part of my life. They are dead to me ”.

The actress has had a bad relationship with her father, Jon Voight, since he left her mother. The relationship was so bad that the actress removed her father’s last name and Voight even said that Angelina had “serious mental problems.”

The singer accused her late stepfather, Topy Mamery, of having sexually abused her. Her mother, Yolandita Monge, has defended her late husband, which is why Noelia stays away from her family.

The Spanish singer maintained a fairly distant relationship with his father, Julio Iglesias, who at the beginning of his musical career did not support him or believe in him. Enrique has confessed to the press that the distance with his father overcame a silence of 10 years, however, over time, apparently the relationship has improved.

The pop princess has lived in a toxic relationship with her parents from childhood until today. In addition to the latent controversy in which her father manages his assets and is subject to criticism from fans, Britney’s mother, Lynn, is said not to be an “expert in candy” either, as she pressured her excessively for making her a television star. It is known that the singer does not have a good relationship with both.

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