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[Famous Column]President Trump: Promise and Keep Promises | Economy | Federal Judges | Middle East

[Epoch Times December 24, 2020](English Epoch Times columnist Star Parker written by Zhang Yufei) To want to Donald?Trump(Trump) To make a retrospective summary of the four years of the president’s tenure, we must take a comprehensive and objective view of his own campaigncommitted toGoal to achieve: Make America Great Again.

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To answer this question, of course you need to clarify what makes America great and askTrumpTo what extent has the President moved the United States toward this goal?

If someone like me thinks that America’s greatness is that it must be a free country under God, and that this idea is to keep AmericaeconomicAt the core of prosperity and ethics, I think President Trump’s achievements are tremendous.

A Gallup poll conducted in September this year asked registered voters whether it is “better now” compared to four years ago? 56% of the respondents gave a positive answer. This number is the highest percentage of any presidential president since Reagan first raised this question when he was running for re-election in 1984.

I will list the main achievements of President Trump in three parts:economicReforms restored strong economic growth; appointments across the countryFederal judge, Until the Supreme Court, they restore the federal judiciary guided by conservative principles;middle EastTo achieve a new peace, this seems to be beyond the reach of anyone.

Another important point is that Trump’s policy is a boon to minorities in the United States. Although left-wing instigators have successfully portrayed President Trump as a racist, the facts show that the actual situation is quite the opposite.

The Tax Cuts and Employment Act (TCJA) signed in 2017 has promoted economic growth not seen in the United States for many years.

Deregulation further assists this policy. Tax cuts and deregulation are aimed at restoring the global competitiveness of American companies and restoring conditions conducive to investment, thereby promoting employment growth and reducing the unemployment rate to an incredible 3.5%.

Moreover, according to the “Wall Street Journal” report: “In the first three years of Trump’s tenure, the median weekly full-time income of blacks increased by 19% to $806. Prior to this, Obama’s seven-year tenure after the recession Only 11% increase within.”

According to data from the Federal Reserve’s 2019 Consumer Finance Survey, between 2016 and 2019, the largest increase in US household net assets occurred in the lowest 20% of households, an increase of 34.3%.

The median income of black households increased by 7.9% in 2019, the largest annual increase in history.

In addition, in 2019, the percentage of black families with incomes of more than $75,000 reached 29.4%, surpassing 28.7% of black families with incomes of less than $25,000 for the first time in history.

Following Trump’s most recent confirmation of the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the number of conservatives in the Supreme Court is now 6-3.

Under the overall background of 220 federal judicial appointments made by President Trump, this has established a strong conservative legal foundation for our free country under God.

Regardless of what the liberals say, this is extremely important for ethnic minority Americans. For example, the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue (Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue), finding that the state prohibits the use of public funds to attend private religious schools The scholarship’s behavior is unconstitutional[known as the Blaine Amendment]. This is the gospel about school choice that poor and low-income Americans desperately need.

Of course, a conservative court raises the possibility of stopping abortion killings that destroy black Americans.

President Trump moved the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This courage illuminates the world. Now, we see a new peace agreement between Israel and Arab and Muslim countries, which is unprecedented.

This is called a leader.

Despite interference and distortion from the left, the facts show that President Trump has made great achievements in making America great again.

originalPresident Trump: Promises Made, Promises KeptPublished in the English “Epoch Times”.

About the Author:

StarrParker(Star Parker) is the founder and chairman of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE).

This article only represents the author’s personal views, and does not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Editor in charge: Gao Jing #

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