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Famke Louise takes revenge from Jinek: ‘hats off’

This time Famke slipped in without a cheat sheet, came out better with her words and explained that she now has a better idea of ​​corona and what it can do to a person, all because of Diederik Gommers. The IC specialist called her daily after the much-discussed Jinek broadcasts and that is nice. Famke got quite a bit of hatred. She hit also lost a job, had to turn on security in went deep through the dust before.

‘I understand better’

I want to thank you for taking the time for me. Because of the extra explanation I now understand a lot better“, Famke told Gommers, who is very happy that he can now work with Famke to better reach young people.”The policymakers are all 50+. When I was twenty, I also had other priorities“responded the IC head.


The Jinek broadcast of two weeks ago had many unpleasant consequences for the singer. “I had to go out with bodyguards. I was mentally destroyed“she explained.”I feel like I sat there with the best intention. I just couldn’t express myself well enough. I was stressed too.“In the end – yes, the wonders are not over yet – something good also comes from all this fuss:”I’m going to launch a face mask line. The proceeds of this go to Goede Doelen Nederland. I think mouth masks are cool anyway. I already wore them in my first video clip.


Of course there were also the necessary viewers who still think Famke is not very bright, even after this ‘revenge’, but the vast majority of the twitter viewers expressed positive about Famke 2.0. “That Famke Louise has learned from it also says that she takes her responsibility and I take my hat off for that too!“it sounds in the comments.”Diederik Gommers and Famke Louise are a wonderful example of what can happen when you listen to each other sincerely.

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