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Family ties dog to tree and go swimming for hours

A Belgian family receives a hefty fine for tormenting and mistreating their own dog. The Belgians had tied their dog to a tree on Wednesday at the parking lot of the Galderse Meren near Breda, while they went swimming themselves.

A boa from Staatsbosbeheer was alerted around 5 p.m. because a dog was tied to a tree at the parking lot at the recreational lake. According to other visitors, the dog had been without water in the heat for an hour or two. The temperature rose to above thirty degrees on Wednesday afternoon.

‘Clumsy 3.0’
Floris Hoefakker of Staatsbosbeheer calls the action by the Belgians ‘clumsy 3.0’. “You would almost think that these people are not allowed to keep dogs.”

Dogs are not allowed on the beach of the Galderse Meren between April and October. Hoefakker often experiences that a dog is left in the car, for example, but never this extreme. “These people go to the beach for hours themselves and leave their dogs like this. That just can not be.”

According to Hoefakker, the Belgians can expect a hefty fine for torment and abuse of an animal. “The Public Prosecution Service will look at how high that fine will be, but I expect it to be somewhere between 500 and 1000 euros.”

animal protection
The dog returned home with the Belgian family. Hoefakker expects that the Belgian animal protection organization will be informed about this action, as is also the case in the Netherlands. That service will then check whether the owners of the dog are suitable to keep an animal.

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