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Family Talks Chelsea Islan and Rob Clinton’s journey of love


Chelsea Island and Rob Clinton are now husband and wife. The two were married this morning in the cathedral church in central Jakarta.

Rob Clinton’s parents also explained the early history of their son’s romance with Chelsea Islan. Elizabeth Kardinal, as Rob Clinton’s mother, explained that her son’s romance began with friendship.

It is known that Chelsea Islan and Rob Clinton have been in a relationship since 2019.

“Their love journey actually in the beginning they were friends now they have become brothers in law and his wife is Rafael i.e. his best friend Chelsea maybe they met often intensely and eventually fell in love with each other and they went for three years, dating,” Elizabeth Cardinal said at the Church Cathedral, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (8/12/2022).

In addition, Elizabeth Cardinal also explained the Chelsea Island figure to her family.

Chelsea Islan is a beautiful and glamorous figure. Also, for them, Chelsea is a shy figure.

“Chelsea is a beautiful figure, everyone knows that she is beautiful. But she is an independent person, of course, strict and low key, actually shy but how can I act in a film I am also confused. In fact, she is a very shy person ”said Elizabeth Cardinal.

Additionally, Elizabeth Cardinal also asked for best prayers for the marriage of Chelsea Islan and Rob Clinton.

“We ask that this is not due to euphoria and to anyone who has witnessed it, but to our prayers so that the spouses can live in harmony, there are no problems and that they can end until death do them part”, he said again.

Watch a videoChelsea’s mother Islan praises Rob Clinton
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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