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Family Predictions about Indra Bekti’s Healing


Indra Bekti recently experienced a brain hemorrhage and immediately received treatment at Abdi Waluyo Hospital.

At that time, Indra Bekti immediately underwent surgery for his survival.

After some time, Indra Bekti has recovered, but not all of it. Slowly Indra Bekti was able to get to know his friends and was able to walk.

Even so, Indra Bekti was still not allowed to go home because recently he had a fever. Then, when will Indra Bekti be able to recover as usual?

“The prediction is four months, but it could be sooner but it could also take longer. It depends on Indra’s own condition,” said Cipta, Indra Bekti’s younger brother when contacted by detik.com, recently.

Seeing the spirit of life Indra Bekti Recently, Cipta feels that her older sister wants to get well soon and return to her activities.

Indra Bekti also underwent several therapies to restore his health.

“If you look at Bang Indra, he really wants to heal very quickly, if you see his enthusiasm, it can be even faster,” continued Cipta.

Until now, Indra Bekti has undergone several physiotherapy treatments for his recovery.

If in the future Indra Bekti no longer has a fever, he will return home in five days.

“It’s been two or three (physiotherapy), between two and three, if I’m not mistaken,” Cipta explained.

Watch VideoThe Family is Grateful Indra Bekti’s Condition Is Getting Better
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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