Home » today » Health » Family history of thyroid disease beware! The beauty-loving lady’s neck was actually invaded by “double-sided tumors” | Famous | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Family history of thyroid disease beware! The beauty-loving lady’s neck was actually invaded by “double-sided tumors” | Famous | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reported by Health and Medical Network/Reporter Chen Jiahui

A 50-year-old lady, whose mother and sister have a history of hyperthyroidism and thyroid nodules, are high-risk groups for thyroid diseases. Many years ago, a benign thyroid nodule of 3 cm was found on one side of the neck, but due to consideration of the surgical risk and aesthetics, the treatment was delayed. Years later, during a routine follow-up, it was discovered that a 1 cm follicular tumor was diagnosed on the other side of the neck. According to the doctor’s suggestion, surgery was arranged to remove the bilateral thyroid lesions. After the treatment, the current condition is good, and it is only necessary to supplement thyroxine regularly.

▲ Thyroid disease is hereditary. Physicians remind those with a family history of thyroid disease that they should be checked regularly. (Photo/Provided by Health and Medical Network)

Thyroid surgery is common and surgery is recommended for these conditions

Lin Wanni, Director of the Department of Otolaryngology, Linkou Chang Gung Hospital, said that thyroid surgery is quite common in clinical practice, and most of them are tumor resection. If the benign tumor is more than 3-4 cm, surgical treatment can also be considered. The reason is that even if the tumor is larger Benign, there is a higher probability of becoming malignant, or the size causes compression of the respiratory tract and esophagus, resulting in symptoms such as respiratory tract compression and dysphagia. In addition, for a small number of patients with thyroid hyperplasia and hyperthyroidism not caused by tumors, if they want to reduce the use of drugs, they can also consult the attending physician to remove part of the thyroid gland through surgery to control the disease.

These two devices have made great contributions to reducing the risk of postoperative bleeding and nerve injury

Dr. Lin Wanni explained that thyroidectomy surgery is divided into two categories. The first category is traditional surgery, where a knife is cut from the neck, and the wound is determined according to the size of the tumor; the second category is a new type of scar concealment surgery, which is more beautiful, like in recent years. However, due to scar concealment surgery, the tumor must be removed from a small hole, so it is not suitable if the tumor is too large or is a hypertrophic hypertrophy of the ray that is easy to bleed. .

“There is a certain risk of bleeding and infection in surgery,” Dr. Lin Wanni said. In particular, the thyroid gland is an organ with abundant blood flow. In the past, it was necessary to tie a thread to stop bleeding during traditional surgery. Nowadays, energy devices, such as tissue agglutination instrument, can be used to quickly ligate and cut off a large area of ​​blood vessels, reducing the chance of intraoperative and postoperative bleeding. In addition, there are two unavoidable common risks in thyroid surgery: parathyroid and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. She added that accidental injury to both parathyroid glands may lead to hypofunction of the parathyroid glands; and injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve can lead to vocal cord paralysis. According to clinical statistics, the average risk of nerve injury in thyroid surgery is 3 to 5%. Monitors can reduce the risk of nerve injury to less than 1%.

Family history of thyroid disease should be vigilant Regular inspection is necessary!

Thyroid disease is hereditary. Dr. Lin Wanni said that there are now many basic health checks that include thyroid ultrasound examinations, reminding people with family history, whether it is hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, nodules or cysts, or even cancer history, regardless of gender, they should be checked regularly. Most malignant thyroid tumors are diseases with a good prognosis. Early examination and early detection of thyroid problems can ensure good health.

source:Health and Medical Network healthnews.com.tw

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